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Aug. 30th, 2015



✉ Pregnant.
✉ Start stocking up on the ice cream with the peanut butter.

Aug. 12th, 2015



-- Do you think I'm too young to retire?
-- Failing that what if I just quit?
-- I could work at the Hanged Man.
-- Or just stay home and hang out with Lily and Henry.
-- Ignore this.
-- I'm just tired.
-- The heat is making people a little nutty.

May. 12th, 2014


( backdated to sunday )

Mother's Day gifts from Neal and Henry )

Jan. 21st, 2014


Texts to David, Mary Margaret, Tinkerbell, Mulan, and Ruby

[OOC: Sent shortly after this]

✉ So, now that we're back to normal, Neal and I decided to get married. Today.
✉ He's picking up Henry, and then swinging by the pawn shop to get his father and Belle, and then we're all going to City Hall. I've already called.
✉ We'd really like it if you could all be there with us.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Texts to Neal Cassidy

✉ So. This ball coming up. Really not my thing, but I guess I should go to humor my mother.
✉ And it might not be so bad, having you with me.
✉ I have this really nice red dress that I picked out.
✉ Me in a dress, I know.
✉ We can always skip out early and go home and cuddle out on the couch with beer if we get too bored.
✉ But I figured we should at least make an appearance.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


[Email: Emma Swan]

To: swan.emma@storybrooke.gov
Subject: Employment

Read more... )

Aug. 4th, 2013


To: swan.emma@storybrooke.gov
From: tyler.rose@storybrooke.gov
Subject: Employment
Attachment: resume.doc

Employment question )

Jul. 26th, 2013


Identical text sent to Snow, Charming, and Gold.

✉ Henry is back.

[ooc: backdated to sometime during this]

Jul. 22nd, 2013


[ (2) Messages ]

Texts to Emma Swan
✉ Killian Jones and his little friend are carrying out unauthorized construction by the dock, dear.
✉ Go down there and stop them.

Jul. 18th, 2013


[ (9) New Messages ]

Texts to Emma Swan
[8:15 PM] ✉ Are you making sure that no minors are buying liquor?
[8:17 PM] ✉ If you see another bonfire, I want you to arrest them.
[8:18 PM] ✉ By arrest them, I mean arrest them all.
[8:20 PM] ✉ We cannot risk property damage to our town because of a group of portal-jumping hooligans.
[8:26 PM] ✉ Someone named Cordelia Chase wants to open a private investigation agency. I told her I would talk to you about administering an exam for her license.
[8:28 PM] ✉ I count on your good judgment to create an acceptable one.
[8:32 PM] ✉ What are you going to do about your magic, Miss Swan?
[8:34 PM] ✉ I don't want you getting emotional and firing off some bolts of lightning.
[8:38 PM] ✉ God knows you have enough impulse control problems without putting magical power in your hands.
[UNSENT] ✉ If you need a teach

Jul. 10th, 2013


( Text Messages to Regina Mills ):
✉ Lunch today.
✉ Hope you didn't forget.
✉ Can I still steal you away from work?

( Text Messages to Emma Swan ):
✉ So, Regina mentioned you might have some openings in the sheriff's department.
✉ I've been working as a government agent for the past decade, and I was in the marines before that, so I have plenty of experience.
✉ I work best with a bow.

Jul. 8th, 2013


[Identical text messages to Emma and Snow]
» It's going to be a long day.