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July 10th, 2006

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_object Talking security... [Babs/Matt log - TBC]

Who: Matt and Babs
What: Matt wants some info on the crazies at Arkham
When: a few days following the trial
Where: Bab's Tower

Matt: Matt had taken a cab following another day at the office. Another day of typing reports and researching another trial. The big one - Napier's trial - may have been officially over, but it wasn't for Matt. He was unsure as to the exact location of Barbara's office, to tell the cabby where to go since the streets had shuffled again, but they finally stopped in front of the tower.

It was raining again, but Matt took his time getting to the door. He had called Ms. Gordon before coming over this time. Checking his watch, he was a little early. Well, in this city, you never knew if you'd be late or early.

Babs: Babs listened for the firm clicking of all the locks on her back office door sliding into place. It wasn't as if she ever left the offices opened and exposed to the public eye, but she believed in never being too careful. Especialy when she was expecting company.

That done, she moved back into her main office, all perninent papers and binders in her lap. Matt hadn't been explicitly clear on what exactly he wanted to speak to her about. Oh, Babs knew that it had something to do with Napier, but Napier himself was such a broad subject. And there were so many other tangents one could go off into when talking about him. Babs tapped her binder on Arkham before setting the lot of them down on her desk.

She turned on her computer, pulling up the the few monitors she could access from this hard drive. The lawyer was early, not that it mattered. It just meant they'd have to wait a few extra minutes for the coffee to be ready. Babs buzzed the door open before going over to make coffee.

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[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_amsofired The Place to Be [Open]

With a new Robin in town, things had been fairly slow. Terry was delighted to find himself with a free evening, and decided to spend it socializing - something he'd been putting off doing for a long time. He hoped he could remember how to do it. He had messaged everyone he knew from the Institute to join him, but had only received a few replies. Oh, well. Guess this was a chance to meet some new folks.

He wandered around downtown, poking his head into this club and that, seeing who would accept his ID card (swiped from Dick while he was on patrol). Eventually he found a club that suited his tastes - lively, but not too crowded or rowdy, and a full bar, should he care to try his luck with the ID. For now, though, he'd mingle.

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[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_assist The Stakeout [Kate]

She should have known better, just from hanging out with Terry for so long, that crime fighting was not all action and adventure. And if the lesson hadn't stuck from hanging with Terry, then she should have gotten it just from spending so much time with the Bat-Clan in the City. Either way, Max shouldn't have been surprised with the utter boredom that came with sitting in a cramped dusty corner with Kate, computer sitting in her lap as she watched the entrances.

They were waiting for a small local gang of robbers to come in so that they could truss them up and leave them and the stolen merchandise in front of the local precinct all pretty-like. It was their first run at this superhero gig, almost a test-run, really. All the electronics set up and ready to go, costumes were on, and they even had what gadgets Max had managed to get her hands on. They even had a quick getaway route planned from here back to the Lair. Granted, they were lucky this time and the Lair was pretty much in the area, but it was still good to start!

Max drew her knees in, staring down at the laptop and concentrating on the exits. She was wishing the guys would just hurry up and get there with the stolen goods already. Some of the loot from previous nights was already in the warehouse and very tempting, the electronics anyway. Any longer in this place and she was going to completely rewire the Lair in her mind with the new stuff she could see. As if she hadn't just done an overhaul of the place a few days ago.

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