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February 5th, 2006

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_assist In Which Max Takes Precautions [Narrative- Predated to Monday evening]

The City, it seemed, really did know all. Max did a double take when she glanced down into her wallet and found a shiny white card with CityHealth Insurance written in the top corner in blue letters. Maxine Gibbons was spelled out in black letters in the middle.

"Hey, I can't give you the prescription without your insurance card. You got it or not? And the co-pay, there's a twenty dollar co-pay with the insurance. And we don't take checks."

She had no idea what a co-pay meant, but it was easy enough to hand over a twenty dollar bill along with the new card. Just a few moments after that the receptionist slid back the card, along with a scribbled prescription on stamped green paper. Max smiled her thanks, took the two items, and shoved them back into their respective pouches in her backpack. She gave a brief wave to the doctor who'd seen her, who was standing behind the receptionist, and then dashed out of the office.

Max was very much sure that that was not an appointment she wanted to repeat again any time in the near future. Nor did she want to talk or think about it very much. And if Jesse asked where she'd gotten the prescription she'd make something up because the word 'gynecologist' was not coming out of her mouth when she was with him.

Once on the street, Max headed towards the closest drug store and hoped their pharmacy was opened and that they were quick. She wanted to get this filled now, and she didn't want to have to go back to the manor before it was available to pick up, or else she'd have to come back out this evening and no doubt someone would offer to drive her. Then she would have to explain what prescription she was going to pick up, and she didn't want to do that either.

She ended up having to wait in the pharmacy for an hour, so she did, sitting in the little sketchy waiting area reading magazines, and eventually buying a bag of chips and some salsa so she could eat. She hadn't eaten since lunch at school that day, and it was now pushing five o' clock.

Those at the manor were going to be expecting her home soon, so Max was glad when her name was called and she was handed a bag with her filled prescription inside.

It was getting dark out and she wasn't stupid enough to try and walk back to the manor alone. She'd flagged down a cab after a few minutes and was soon on her way home.

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_seeall An Overdue Talk [Babs/Bruce- Predated to Monday]

Babs came to the mansion Monday evening looking for Bruce, but upon not immediately finding him the teenagers became the focus of her search. Though they too seemed to be scarce.

She knocked on Tim's door first as she'd been hoping to talk to him for a while now, but when he wasn't there she went down to Max's room. Her door was open, her lights were on, and she was sitting on the bed surrounded by various books and Ace curled up next to her.

"Burning the midnight oil?"

Max looked up with an odd sort of grin. "More like the nine o' clock oil. I'll be done in like twenty minutes."

"What are you working on?" Babs asked. She rolled into the room a bit more, leaving the door open behind her.

"Calc, history, and French." She pointed at each one as she ticked them off. "History and French are done. Just calc left for tomorrow, I did English during lunch. I've got a science lab I have to finish at some point too."
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