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January 4th, 2006

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_flybynight Eonycteris spelaea. [Narrative]

He fell from the sky. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. He was supposed to land on his feet, because that's the way he'd been positioned. Everything wasn't supposed to suddenly flip and spin and end with the painful smack of his body against cold, wet asphalt.


There wasn't supposed to be asphalt there. He'd been inside, he could've sworn it. He'd seen marble floors. Marble floors, glass cases, fake potted plants, heavy wooden doors. Dim, dim lighting, but the bright red flash of the security system's alert light was clear. That was where he'd been. Now he was flat on his back, blinking up at clouds in a dark sky, and the brick facades of buildings on either side of him. He could smell cigarette smoke, and old urine, and something rotting nearby – it seemed to be fruit. He curled up into a sitting position, and had to stop to press his fingers to his head.


What the hell had that been?

After a minute, the world stopped spinning, and he clambered ungracefully to his feet. An alleyway. One night of trying to get out of alleys and gutters, and he ended up back in one again. Typical Bludhaven, trying to thwart him at every turn. But, and it slowly hit him as he turned around, getting his bearings, that this didn't look like his city. The alley did, certainly, but alleys everywhere had a certain sort of look to them that seemed to be requisite. He took smooth, cautious steps towards the city beyond the alley, and watched the skyline come into focus. It wasn't Bludhaven at all.

Dick had done a lot of stupid things in his life. Sometimes, things had worked out, and sometimes they hadn't. But, he could honestly say that this was the first time he'd managed to lose his city.