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December 21st, 2005

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i_clobber [Open]

Benjamin Grimm was puzzled.

He had awoken about 10 minutes ago with a loud snore and grunted something about five more minutes until the sound of rock scraping rock echoed in his hearing. The sound was of skin scraping against the sidewalk he was sprawled on. The large man sat up from his sleep with an alert look in his deep blue eyes, his brows narrowing as he looked around and stood up.

Ben wasn’t exactly known for being a genius, but he was smart. At first, he assumed it was just a dream, even when the little old lady who was passing him by gave a squawk and abruptly turned back the way she came. He was currently in the entrance (or in his case, exit) of an alley to a somewhat respectable section of town. Deciding to fool his subconscious, Ben stood there with his arms crossed for ten minutes until he mumbled, “Too fucking boring to be a dream.”

Reed and the others wouldn’t have just abandoned him out here just for kicks. The Baxter Geeks were too paranoid of him going outside, no one in the group could lift him up, and Reed wasn’t the one to pull a prank and this lacked Johnny’s style. With a resigned sigh, Ben took a step forward, figuring the reaction would be rather similar to the old lady he accidently scared.

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