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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 28th, 2012

to Mark, Roger, and Kurt

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Do any of you guys want to be a Dungeon Master in a game? I'm not sure I understand it, but Troy says it's fun.

February 27th, 2012

Filtered to Britt

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Hey, you wanna play D&D with HG, her friend Claudia, and I? We need another player and it's awesome and I want you to come. Then we'll just need to find a dungeon master. Moira can come, if she wants?

February 24th, 2012

filtered to Svetlana

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You're really smart and you usually give really good advice. If there's a guy who's close to you and maybe even has a kid with you and you both hang out together all the time it usually means there's something going on, right?

I just mean
It's just that
I wish Santana was

Do you think some guys might not like me because I'm not smart? You have to be kind of smart to work at a Taco Bell, right?

February 22nd, 2012

filtered to Troy

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Do you think Moira likes me? I'd ask her but that would be kind of weird...

February 20th, 2012

filtered to Moira

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Did you want to come over for dinner? Or maybe go out for dinner? I thought it would be nice to talk even if you can't tell me about the future.

February 18th, 2012

filtered to mothers, against evil

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What kinds of nice things do you do for your children?

February 17th, 2012

Filtered to Britt

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...you can't get pregnant from me grabbing your boobs, right...?

Filterd from Evil?

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Right so.

2012. People are talking to Lucifer. People are butterfly effecting all over the damn place and me. I didn't notice cause of Ibsen

Joy of Joys.

My Mum and Dad aren't even together

[Troy Barnes and Britany S Pierce]
Hi so...Yeah. I'm Moira Destiny Barnes. And you two are my parents. ...sorry.

[OOC: This is Moira Barnes, Kid of Brittany and Troy. Her bio is going up now! I was waiting on stuff]

to the Russians

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Are you okay?

I'm kind of scared.

February 14th, 2012

Valentine's day stuff!

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Read more... )

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Left for Brittany at her door )

February 13th, 2012

filtered against evil, Katherine, Moriarty

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Is everyone really happy for Valentine's Day?

February 12th, 2012

Filtered to females excluding Svetlana

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God I can't believe I'm stooping to thi
I don't ask advice from men let alo
Have to win her...

....don't like askin for help on stuff, never have but um...

I ain't the classiest guy around. Gruff, rough around the edges, kinda on the dangerous side and...well this woman I'd like to be with, that ain't her cup o'tea.... god fucking damn it that sounds lame, why the fuck am I even resorting to

So uh...any ideas on how I can try to be a better man? Without blabbing to everyone about this? Filtered for a reason an' all.

God I'm glad Cyke ain't here to read this drivel...or Storm...

February 7th, 2012

Filtered against Baddies, Joker, Katherine, and Moriarty

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Well, I've returned. Sorry about my absence without warning, but with so many of the people I care about up and disappea I just felt I needed to get away for a while, and I'm certainly glad I did.

However, it seems that I've returned to find, surprise of all surprises, that we're in the middle of yet another crisis situation. Don't worry, I've read several of the posts from the last couple of weeks and I'm taking precautions already. The last thing I want is to get caught up in this mess.

February 5th, 2012

filtered against evil, Moriarty and the Joker

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Most of the time I like smiling.
Usually it means that I'm happy but

Is it safe to go outside?

February 4th, 2012

filtered to Anatoly

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This might help with Valentine's Day.

February 2nd, 2012

Filtered against Evil+++ (AKA additional evil)

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I think someone needs to help me have a conversation with Allana. I'm not a cheerleader, but she's convinced that I'm going to join cheerleading with her. Really, it's a bit daft.

And I can't seem to talk her into not dragging me in as well.

I suppose I could just be really bad at it in the tryout or whatever they're called?

Rose Weasley doesn't have a ring as a cheerleader. Right?


You're still doing all right, right? You're not mad at me for arguing with you about potions?

January 29th, 2012

filtered to Anatoly

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So what are you doing special for Svetlana on Valentine's Day?

January 28th, 2012

Text to Brittany

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» Hey, can I ask you something now that you've watched some of my show with me?

January 27th, 2012

Glee Filter*

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[*Basically whoever still comes to meetings, gets dragged to meetings]

If this is to keep going, find other people to join. Even if no one actually understands Fuck I can't take this, I might have to punch someone soon
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