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February 27th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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I have really got to stop getting lost in the TARDIS. You'd think I didn't know my own ship. Well, all right, it's a bit different than it was, but still ... Blimey. The things I miss happening right under my nose.

February 22nd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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2012 again? This trip was unexpected, but there are three Doctors here at least. Right, that said, on with the demon hunting.

January 19th, 2012

Filtered to Eleven

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Would you get all huffy if I took the TARDIS for a little spin?

January 17th, 2012

Filtered to River Song

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We still need to go on that date. And I've been thinking, you claim to be able to fly the TARDIS yet I've not seen it. D'you think Eleven would be terribly peeved if we were to take his version of the TARDIS out for a quick spin? He shouldn't be though. I mean I am him and you seem more than capable of flying such a beautiful ship. I want to see what moves you have with it.

January 9th, 2012

Filtered against anything evil (I've traveled with the Doctor enough to know to be safe)

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Okay, so...apparently I'm in another dimension... I shouldn't be surprised what with traveling with the Doctor but...

It's still a lot to take in.

I hope Amy's okay

Filtered Against Evil

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I'd just like to take this moment to point out that I'm being especially well-behaved. As opposed to the other me's. Not that I'm one to brag. Nope. Not me.

[ooc: Whoniverse peeps and everyone else getting in on this three-Doctors thing, you are making my sides hurt with laughter.]

January 8th, 2012

Filtered to Eleven and River

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Guys, Rory's here. I'm taking him to the TARDIS, so I thought you'd want to know. Especially you, River. He knows Amy's not here, he's taking the whole thing fairly well, considering.

January 7th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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So I've heard that in this universe, reality, whatever it is, I'm a character on a TV show. Any ideas on where I can find this show to watch? I want to see the antics my future selves get into and use it against them if I need to.

January 5th, 2012

Non-Evil Ladies Only!

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So I think my time-traveling alien boyfriend who can appear in more than one form is going to tell his previous form who I sort of had a thing for but not quite to the same extreme I do for this form that we're dating.

I require drinks. And dancing. But mostly drinks. And a designated driver/teleporter/walker-homer. Because this could get way awkward. Or it could be completely normal and everything could be fine and I could be worrying over nothing.

But I still won't turn down drinks. And dancing. Cover charges and drinks are on me.

December 27th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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Has anyone seen my TARDIS? The rambly, walky version, not the blue box. Didn't lose that one. Not this time, anyway.

Seems she's gone and wandered off on me. Again. She's really going to have to stop doing that.

December 10th, 2011

Anti-Evil Whoniverse Filter

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This may be taking a far, far too optimistic view given our history with the holidays, but I thought, maybe, we should start making our plans now, assuming we aren't running for our lives on the twenty-fifth.

December 3rd, 2011

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[Filtered to Who people]

I can't find my mother Amy. Considering that it seems other people appear to not be here anymore, perhaps she went back home as well?

[Filtered to Leia]

Fancy some target practice?

October 27th, 2011

Filtered against evil

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I've got my costume lined up for the party. Oh how this brings back memories...

September 13th, 2011

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Right so now I've figured this place out and know a bit about what we're fighting.

Names Martha Jones, I'm a Doctor, a Solider, and consider this me signing up to help wherever is needed. I've heard talk about a camp where I can learn how to fight these things so I'd like to do that?

[Filtered to Companions]

Also we're going for drinks. All of us. And we're going to share stories and reminice and laugh. And the Doctor isn't coming with this time. Neither of them!

[Filtered to the Doctors]

I'm bringing all of us that have ever traveled with you out for drinks. We'll sit, we'll drink, we'll talk, about you mostly Hah :p

And don't worry, we won't let Donna know anything. I'm still not sure what she's not meant to know but I trust you, both of you, so its up to you. I just think you should be the ones to tell her, and soon. Or it'll be worse in the long run, and you know it.

So wait, are we going with Ten and Eleven as names? Cause calling you both Doctor will get silly

September 9th, 2011

Filtered away from evil + Donna.

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Reply to this post with your favourite strange food combination if you've ever watched Doctor Who or know anything about it.

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Doctor, you better not have disappeared and left me in BLOODY KANSAS! I don't know if you know this, but KANSAS and ANCIENT ROME are NOTHING ALIKE.

September 5th, 2011

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Doctor, you’re busy. Bowtie Doctor. So never mind our trip, okay? Some other time, when things aren’t you know things? How can the TARDIS be here? What is going on? This is bad isn't it. Really bad.

Charlie! What are you doing in the next few days? Nothing? Great! Let’s go to New York, or Scotland, or anywhere not here, yeah?

River, I promise that when I get back we’ll talk. Putting this in writing, hold me too it. Just need to think, somewhere that isn't here. I'm sorry.

I wish Rory was here. I need him and his Stupid Face right now.

Edit: Does anyone have some money we I could borrow? I know some of you are super rich, promise I'll pay you back. And a car would be good too. Thanks.

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Earth. Lawrence, Kansas. Month of September in the year 2011. Different universe, bubble universe? Interesting. Though this is not where I should be. Thief, are you behind this?

August 27th, 2011

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The one time you give in and decide to watch the stupid bloody show you're from...

August 9th, 2011

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First of all I would like very much to apologise for my actions previously. The person I was...well she was very different to who I am now and I hope this will be understood by those here.

Secondly I believe in my time here before I ran classes for those still of school age who did not want to participate in normal school. Would this be welcomed? I would be happy to look into it.
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