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War Is Coming Communications.



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November 14th, 2013

No Evil

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Rhys is gone. It's like he was never even here. I think the Seal took him home. Why won't it just

November 13th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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I have no idea how to care for an otter.

Or most creatures.


I am sorry, you know
I wish I'd never
I didn't mean for you to

[James Kirk]

I feel it's time you and I saw each other for what we really are, Captain.

November 11th, 2013

Evil isnt allowed

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can we get a big tree so santa can find us they had one on the tv

Filtered Against Evil

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I didn't even know they'd made a sequel to Grease.

And as I sit here watching it, I can't understand why they did. The songs are catchy and the lead actors are beautiful (Michelle Pfeiffer? Really?) but the premise is impossible to get into when you consider how ridiculous it is.

Never mind the somewhat crass portrayal of the Cold War. We're going to let that slide in comparison.

Reasons I'm glad I missed the majority of the 80s.

[Freddie and John]

I hate to bring this up, but we really need to decide what to do about Bo while we're in India. And that's...soon. Really soon.

I could
Could consider it practice if

I don't suppose she'd like to come along.

[ooc: so it turns out the match is supposed to start on the 9th. aka we missed it...SO HANDWAVE HANDWAVE HANDWAVE, next week!]

October 28th, 2013

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Y'know personally I think the gifts are a bit tacky and really its only funny if there's messy bloody follow up.

BUT he likes to play with Daddy's trinkets.

Personally I think its much easier to psychologically break someone than gifts from the past or future or whatever.

And pain is so very close to pleasure

[Johnny Boy]

Since I know you worry so dreadfully when I go quiet. Just thought you should know, yes I am planning something big, yes it will hurt those closest to you, and no, you can't stop me.

PS: I really am gonna have to evicerate you by the end of this. I'd say I learned a bunch of new tricks in hell but honestly, I didn't. They mostly learned from me, which isn't me being a show off.

....alright its me being a bit of a show off.

Okay a massive show off

If you've got it flaunt it. 


I thought for a while about what I'd actually say to you. Or if you'll even respond because I know you and you're clinging little Aurora to you and hoping you can keep your Huntsman safe.

Can you keep them all safe though?

Can  you keep them all safe, all the time?

Because you know...I do love my dramatics, and wouldn't it be brilliant to take my kid, or the 'saviour of magic' , or the stupidly idealistic parents, or the weird not-grandmother who is more in love with evil than even you, or the magicy friend who thinks she can fight hell all on her own,

The boyfriends actually a bit cliche

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Have you ever considered being a landlord?

Just curious. Or a bit more than curious. It was just an idea.

[Bo H]

Hi, sweetpea. Did you want to go to the Halloween party? Have you thought up a costume? We can go trick-or-treating if you want.

October 24th, 2013

Filtered against evil bitches!

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All righty, ladies and gents! It's time to collect. I've got clothes, laptops, phones, shoes, annnd disco dinosaur figurines that I don't remember picking up but happen to have anyway. I'm over at [address] and am not opposed to being given food/candy/booze as thanks.

Is there anything else I can do to help with the whole post explosions stuff? I admit that I am not the best when it comes to the super heroics, but I do know a thing or two about surviving in places that aren't exactly what you'd call home.



You and me. Halloween. Party. We need to find ourselves costumes ASAP. Something that says sexy thrown onto a whole smorgasbord of badass.

I'm thinkin' like Batgirl and Robin. Mafia style Pink Ladies. The hunter versions of Daphne and Velma?

October 14th, 2013

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He did help her. He didn't have to. I don't

Be careful.

[Bo H]

Unicorns or mermaids?

Never mind, I'll just get both.


I know I haven't been around much since this all happened. I'm sorry. Bo needs me.

I've been doing a lot of thinking. And...I've changed my mind. Maybe we've been wrong all this time. What right do we have to bring a child into this world? Even if I could, even if we could... No kid deserves this.

October 11th, 2013

No bad people

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im sorry I made you sad florence

I told you it wasnt your friend jon are you mad

September 16th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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Apparently the way to get a slightly deranged genius detective off the floor is to quite literally force tea down his throat.

I feel John would be vindicated with this knowledge. Tea literally saves lives.

All that being said, this is where I stand. I'm no good at the fighting, other than the ability to defend myself. But financially, my family is well off. And we should likely start stocking up on supplies. Stock piling food and water, reinforcing the building, having extra holy water and amulets ready at a moment's notice.

I think we all know what's coming is coming soon. We just don't know what to prepare for. But if anyone would like to assist with the organization side of things, I'll gladly take helpers. It's about all I can do

September 5th, 2013

Filtered against bad guys and kids under 18

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I've managed to be around liquor and not even feel the slightest bit interested. Course it helps that Robin was
That's certainly the right term for it

How would you feel about a day care? There'd be other kids to be with for a couple hours during the day.

How are you?

Think we could talk? Get together for a cuppa?

[Sherlocks all of them?]
I've been ignoring you lot a bit lately. Sorry for that.

How are you feeling?

August 28th, 2013

The devil is mean

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Rose you and the nice man can't go

August 17th, 2013

The devil is mean

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Is there still a monster?

August 12th, 2013

Rose and Florence and Kat and not the devil and not John

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Why doesn't Johns friend like tea

August 10th, 2013

The devil isn't allowed

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Rose can we play hide and seek with your friend because you said he likes to play!

August 8th, 2013

The devil doesn't like flowers

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I need clean clothes because mine got dirt on them and I don't think John knows how to wash dresses.

August 5th, 2013

The devil is bad

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John will you come too? Horses are tall.

August 2nd, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer (added by John)

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Mr Whatson showed me how to use the phone to say hello

My name is Bow and I need to see my dad and uncle and brother because there were aliens

(ooc: voice post makes fun mistakes, she knows how to spell her name, for reals)
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