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War Is Coming Communications.



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August 25th, 2014

Panem Filter

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How many times does a person have to die to stay dead.

August 23rd, 2014

Panem Filter

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Il n'existe aucun moyen que nous pouvons faire cela, cet endroit va nous tuer

[There is no way we can do this, this place will kill us]

August 19th, 2014


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Getting one last hunt in before the school year starts. Sounds like your typical vampire nest in Iowa, shouldn't be long and I'll be home before you know it.


I went by Sherwood to make sure everything is in order. When you wake up, take a few aspirin, drink the juice I left and don't ask what's in it. You should be okay to check in to work by dinner service.

Give my baby boy a snuggle for me.

August 17th, 2014

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He's so
I can't
I really don't know what to

So. Question for you.

We're still friends, right?

We need to hang out. We haven't in a while. Fix it.

Do you think I'm
You. You're taking your wife out for dinner. I'll watch the kidlet. I think I've got it down by now. You two deserve the break.

Filtered against Sydney and Adrian

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I'm never going to be allowed to get used to this, am I?

First the seal takes my memory, and then it brings me a facetwin.  Can't a girl catch a break?

August 16th, 2014

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[OOC: After Lydia has explained things.  Viki, I'll reply to the log when I get home]

So, I'm informed that this is the way people communicate now.  How impersonal.

Miss Bennett, thank you very much for your help.  It was very much appreciated.

Anyway.  My name is Lady Catherine Glass.  And, it is very good to meet you all.

August 5th, 2014

No Mean People

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I did a quiz about which female from Disney you are. I didn't get me. I got Tiana from the Princess and the Frog.

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There are only 20 more days until college starts back up.

Where the hell did my summer go?

Though I am excited for my Italian Renaissance art class. Also continuing on with French. And I got into Modern Dance I which fulfills my art requirement so woo!

Who else is attending this year?

August 1st, 2014

Heaven and Hell Be Gone

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So, say I'm trying to make a feel good/cheer me up playlist...

What are some good suggestions to throw on there? General good upbeat dancing music is also accepted.


So, going to go ahead and assume you went through the missing home thing? How long did it take before it felt like here was home for you?

Because right now I'm still feeling kind of alien, or something. And missing Jeremy. I have no idea if you knew about that or not, but I can't say it to Elena because beyond awkward

No Evil like.

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Ey up, Lawrence.

Today is Yorkshire Day. The official day to celebrate all things from Gods own county.

So, find yourself some Yorkshire Tea, a pint of propah ale and some good old Yorkshire puds.

Also, to help you properly celebrate, here's a guide on how to speak raight propah like.

July 30th, 2014

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My dear Captain Kirk,

LOLing forever.


Honeyyyyy, why aren't you ever a Disney prince? Why do you hafta be a dwarf? HE DOESN'T EVEN SING!!!

Also, all signed up for fall classes. Sorry, Petey Pablo, but I have officially become an interior design major. AND my new advisor said I can use Sherwood in my portfolio! Bonussss.

Now I must go coo at my godson. He's blowing spit bubbles and it deserves cooing.

July 20th, 2014

No Evil and stuff, like

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It's rude, but I can't stop laughing.  I don't understand.

And tehre was a dead parrot and the man didn't want to take it back in reh shop.

I sdo like this song though.

Everything is all shiny and full of colours!

July 18th, 2014

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[OOC: Figure this is made later tonight after a hospital visit!]

My girlfriend breaks her pinky doing something I suggested. I broke my wrist ice skating tonight. I'm starting to think there really is something to the whole karma business. But I don't regret going at all. Elsa, you should make this a regular thing. It was a lot of fun.

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The adorbs is getting a book too, bitches!! Course this means there are way too many people reading my thoughts but See that?Fan favorite! That's what I'm talking about.

Celebrating with iced coffee and pizza! Who's with me?

July 13th, 2014

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Just a head's up: starting this week my self defense classes are only going to be on Monday and Wednesday. Elijah is going to run a class on Friday instead of me. But I encourage everybody to go to it.


Was Clark mad about the cows?


So. Still recovering from the girl's night out?


Did we ever figure out who owns Greaves House? Because the electricity doesn't work in half of my kitchen and I'm not sure who to talk to about it. I don't mind paying for an electrician to come out and take a look but I think we need to plan on what to do if this happens to someone else in the complex.

No Evil or Heaven

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Alright, so I don't really know what a GIF is.  but, with that GIF war going on, I decided to have a look.  Since I know that there's an actor out tehre with my face.  Since he plays Ana's boyfriend.

But, it turns out I'm fictional too.  There's a TV show about us and everything.

Hal, Alex, Mitchell.  Did you know we was fictional?

Oh, also.  Who thought it was a good idea to get Hal to drink coffee?  It makes him worse than Kia Ora does.  He's bouncing off the bleeding walls.

July 8th, 2014

No evil/heaven

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I have just been booked for the biggest gig so far, a bar in Kansas City, this Friday night.


But I think Billy's gone. Guess good news gets balanced with bad or something.

July 5th, 2014

Evil and Bad Heaven Don't Get Cute Baby Things!!!

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Edward Robin Locksley is here! Omg it's a boy!!!!! Soooo super excited augh flailing.

He got here at 12:11 on July 5th so Robin says "one point for England". Which is fine cause Justice is a ridiculous name for a boy anyway.

New Mummy and Daddy are sleeping and I should probably go home and do the same but I had to tell all of you AND OMG HE'S JUST SO TINY AND CUTE!!!!

Texts to Lydia and Much

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>>Sorry we left early
>>Marian wasn't feeling well
>>It seems someone is impatient to join the world
>>We sincerely hope not until the fifth
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