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War Is Coming Communications.



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May 8th, 2014

Filtered to Hugo Weasley

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May 6th, 2014

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Just thought I'd remind you all that the beach trip is tomorrow.  Is there anyone else willing to help teleport us there?

I think the plan is to meet outside the Youth Centre about 11am.  Then we can have most of the day there.

April 29th, 2014

Filtered to Billy

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I had a really great time at the Ball. Thank you for taking me. Did you have fun? Meet many new people?

April 19th, 2014

Filtered to friends who aren't Billy

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I think I have a date.

Filtered against Evil

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It was suggested to me a while ago, that maybe I could help investigate the seal.  Who would I need to talk to about that?


Thanks for the other day.  That coffee place is really very good.

You probably already do
I'm sure you wouldn't want to
Do you have a date for the ball?

April 17th, 2014

Friends (but no family/family-types)

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So there's this really tiny thing from back home that's happened, or as it were, didn't happen. Which really, really bugs me. But bringing it up to my siblings...it would just cause more issues than it would solve and I'm tired of arguing and I'm tired of fighting and none of them could answer it anyway because of the timelines. It's sort of eating at me, though. And I'm not really sure what to do about it. I mean, how do I tell them they didn't even mention the fact that I'm dead to someone who was practically my nephew?

(ETA) [Caroline]
Do you think I should say something to Bekah, Nik, and Elijah... about the way they never seemed to mention it to Marcel?

(ETA: around 2pm the next day) [Family filter (minus Henrik)]
There's something I need say and get out of my head before it makes me explode or something.

Back home, when you went back New Orleans. You didn't tell Marcel I'd died. I know you can't tell me why, I know you can't fix it, but...it bugs me. And I'd rather tell you rationally than let it fly out in the middle of some stupid fight or other.

So. There's that.

April 12th, 2014

No evil/Heaven

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For anyone who knew him...my nephew's gone. I never got to I was going to Derek was sent home.

April 9th, 2014

Filtered to friends who aren't Hook

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This crush is not going away! Gah!

April 8th, 2014

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So, being apparently being fictional involves amusing GIFs being made of you.

April 7th, 2014

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You know, if you're going to go finding a brother after twenty-one years of nothing but sisters, one could do a lot worse than Robin Hood!

Imagine the ancient, 11th century manor with this fantabulous bedroom in it. PSSST it's mine!! Isn't it fab??


Thank you for the necklace, too, Scruff. Sorry I blubbered all over you? Srsly, though. Sweetest thing ever. I don't know how to thank you.

March 27th, 2014

Filtered to Hugo Weasley + her possibly dubious friends

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[ooc: Aka: Hook, Vex, Derek, Kol, Peter...How did my ray of sunshine become friends with the pirate, the Dark Fae, the werewolf, the Original and the alcoholic?!]

Am I an idiot for believing in second chances and the good in people? Because I genuinely do, I think people can do good things if they want to. And I don't think that makes me naive, because I'd be ready with a Body Bind Hex if I needed it, and I killed a guy with a hug once, but sometimes people seem to talk to me like I'm a moron. Even when it is someone who never seems to talk to people from different worlds, so maybe they can't see things the way I do and that's not their fault.

Does having hope make me childish?

ETA: No evil

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So, is there some big, grand purpose for me being here? Or at least something I could do, you know, at all. I'm really not great at the whole sitting on my hands thing.

March 20th, 2014

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The picnic in the park was amazing and the food was delicious! It was fantastic cake!

Everyone here seems really serious and sometimes quite sad and I think everyone should pay attention to what is awesome around here, like the park and the people and everything. We should always be hopeful, right?! That's what my dad always says.

Is it true what some people are saying? That there were older versions around? Was there an older me too?

March 17th, 2014

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March 5th, 2014

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What you up to?


I know you're being emotional fae. Talk to me? We are friends, right?


You. Are adorable.


How you doing? I have cookies, want some?!

January 23rd, 2014

No Lingering Evil

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It's ours.

We signed the paperwork this morning. And wow, there was a lot of paperwork.

That being said, there are electricians and plumbers coming beginning of next week. Anyone skilled in enchantments, wards, or standard demon prevention techniques, your best bet is probably to look at it over the weekend. Any help in that is appreciated, especially if we're putting new arrivals there. Claudia, Connor, the same goes for you. You'll probably want to start setting up before we actually move people in.

There's mostly one bedrooms, some two beds, and a three bedroom in each building. If anyone is still living in hotels and wants to move in.

[Medbay Staff]

There is room for a new clinic, if we want to continue having one. The 'welcome center' (which we won't be using as such) had a back area I'm having them take some walls out of. The office will be the security room, that second area will be yours if it's wanted.

We would need equipment, of course, and we have enough in the fund now to purchase whatever it is you all want. I'll just need a list.

[Filtered to Rose's Friends]

How is she? I think Bo would like to see her soon, but I won't put any pressure on Rose to do so. Bo's been pretty understanding, all things considered. Possibly the psychic thing but

January 22nd, 2014

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i discovered this. i don't understand it, but i can only assume that i do it better than pan.

January 19th, 2014

No lingering loyalists

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Okay, so aside from fixing Sam, has anyone stopped to wonder, what is it we actually do now? We stopped the Apocalypse. So is that it?

[Filtered to Derek Hale]

Hi. Just wondering if you're okay.

[Filtered to Hook]

I am contemplating deep and meaningful things, distract me!

January 15th, 2014

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Right, I was gonna suggest a nice night of dancing our cares away and indiscriminate shagging

BUT since polar whatever america's ridiculous has fallen on us.

Kenzi, get the tequila love?

Anyone that can get to ours do that, ignore the fence post, Dyson gets teritorial
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