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War Is Coming Communications.



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April 1st, 2014

Filtered to those that offered to help with Sam capture, not SPN people

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Alright, questions waste time. But I'm out, free. And looking for Sam. This has gone on way too long already.

I let you all know cause you said you'd help. If you're still willing to do that, lets go. 

I can track him. I pretty much stalked him one way or another through most of his life, I can find him

[Bobby, Crowley, Dean Cas Jo]

I'm not sorry. You were being too damn precious with me, keeping me locked up, and I have to find him.

Keep her safe till we're back.

March 31st, 2014

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I wished it back. My grace. And it can't be taken. Not by anyone bar my father.


I assume you felt what I've wished for

March 27th, 2014

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Hard to wish from inside a panic room.

Already used a wish on avoiding demonic traps but that's still a bigass iron door.


I could wish for it, your soul. I could wish for it to be whole. Or you could wish for it to be whole.

Come on Sam. Its been a long time now.


What if I wished it whole and returned.

Could that work?

Let me out


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I'll deny it if asked, but...I think I might need your help.

March 20th, 2014

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Lee. It still won't bring me Bon Jovi.

Stefan. Any ideas? Good ones. Whiskey is totally a wish.

I'm still sad they didn't sing their little wish song this time. There was a song. It was all festive. But I guess they're late this year.


How're we doing with the tiny Original Family?

Was Klaus really like...that? Cause I have no clue how to react to that

March 19th, 2014

Crowley, Caroline, Anna

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Why? Why do all three of them have to be tiny? Elijah is like...9 and has way too much guilt for him to even know how to handle and Bekah's all 14 and stroppy and a witch now and now Nik, too. All tiny and human and from a time I'd rather pretend never existed, when Mikael was all any of us ever knew. I really hope I'm not next in this. I don't want to go back to that. Fear, hatred...but too young and too terrified to actually do anything. I try so hard to ignore that part of my life and now it's just being shoved in my face.

March 12th, 2014


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My oldest brother in tiny and breakable and human. What the actual fuck is this place?

Spazzing about a shift in sibling roles side... he's human. And incredibly vulnerable. And your darling best friend does have a bit of a vendetta against me and mine. Keep her and her chanting away from him or the threats she saw where they didn't exist will be nothing compared to what will actually happen if she does a damn thing.

Now, normally I would assume she's a mother, surely she must have limits, but she isn't right in the head lately and call me paranoid but I really can't risk anything right now. I can't. There's 3 of my siblings who are tiny and human right now and two of them aren't even supposed to be and I'm not real sure I can handle that as it is, Ruby's recent bout of insanity withstanding. So.

This is what your vampire looks like when he's panicking. For the record. I can't. What of something happens to one of them? They could get hurt. Killed.

March 6th, 2014

Filtered from Evil

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What does Lawrence have in terms of the arts, theatre, opera, artistic endevour?

[Family and SO's (yes even if they offend him)]

Assets. What do we have? What can we pull together.

While Kol tries the ridiculous hearts and minds thing I'm going to make this city better.

Call it a project, a distraction. I could care less. You can be involved or  you can ignore it.

March 4th, 2014

Family Filter (minus Henrik) + Crowley

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So I was talking to
I wanted to know why we always end up in the same situation every ti
I asked some people for
I can't I can't I'm not ready for
You've already told Elijah, the others should be fi

I wanted to understand why things always turn out the way they do for us. The US vs THEM nonsense. The hypocricy. All of it. So... I asked. This was the result.

I dunno what I'm doing, exactly. I couldn't give a rat's ass about redemption or running off to join Team Good Guy. But I'm so fucking tired of the bullshit and the double standards of it all.

I dunno. Just...figured you all should know. Please don't fight me on thi
I don't want to ar
Here goes the neighborhood

We should go do something this week. Just you and me.

February 26th, 2014

No lingering loyalists, Heaven, Mikaelsons or Winchesters

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I want an answer to this question. And I want an honest answer.

Keeping in mind that I've fought your battles, killed your monsters, and have generally helped where I can, possession and demon-fueled switch-flipping aside... Why, exactly, do people react the way they do to me and mine when the other lot of you get nothing but sympathy or pity and the like. Why do the Mikaelsons get crucified for the same words and actions others get praise for? We react badly or irrationally to things that are painful, we get yelled at for it, you lot react badly or irrationally and you're pandered to.

I am trying to truly understand this. I want to know why it always ends up this way. Because inevitably it does, every bloody time, no matter how many times we try to start over. I'm going to attempt to not argue. But, well, I think you all know me well enough by now to know how hard that actually might prove to be.
I'm considering shipping off to some remote island, somewhere only you and my siblings know about.

Apparently your darling best friend is quite intent on humbling us, went on to Caroline about how she's going to plot something particularly creative and everything. Very classy.

I know what you were doing. Trying to focus her attention on you. Noble as it is...don't. You've been through enough already, sister...

[ooc: Caroline, you're counted under the no Mikaelsons portion of the filter!]

February 24th, 2014

filtered to cowley

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my doggy got killeded to

February 23rd, 2014

Filtered to Bobby Singer

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Singer. Ruby's gone and properly lost it. She needs to be protected. Do with that information what you will.

February 22nd, 2014

No lingering loyalists, heaven or kids

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You killed my fucking dogs? What the fuck is wrong with you?

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People should know it's not a smart move to target my friends.

[backdated to around sunrise this morning!]

February 21st, 2014

Filter to Crowley and Kol

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There's too much horror. There's too many hurting and I hate that I can't help. I need it.

I need to get it back and I want you two with me.

Crowley, you can only come so close. You know that. 

And for gods sake shut your eyes the second I tell you to and don't open them again until I tell you. Both of you.

February 19th, 2014

Filter to Crowley

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Illchester. I need a chat to daddy dearest.

Pick up some nuns along the way

I am tired of waiting, so don't argue with me. Not on this.

February 18th, 2014

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I've decided that I no longer want my soul.

It would probably rip me apart at this point and I'm not really seeing why anyone would want to end up a drooling, slobbering, useless mess for the rest of their days, so I'm gonna take a pass on the whole messy resolution to my situation.

I understand that may be a conflict of interest for some of you. If any of you insist on trying to find me in an attempt to force that thing down my throat, then do so at your own risk.

If this doesn't bother you or if you really don't care, then have a nice life as I won't be hanging around Lawrence anymore. Or not. I actually don't care either way.

February 15th, 2014

Filtered to Kol and Anna

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[ooc: forward dated a few hours, but wanted this for the lulz! He has been at Bed of Roses for several hours!]

you two. you two with the making em feel feelings. ki wsa fine being an unfeelnig bastard tdemon and then kyou two hapnpeerd. and you're pretty and you're so fucking hot and shit, kol, when you bite mes, i see actual fuckijng star.s

you know whast? you know what should happen?

i udsed tvo have sex with you. adn i do have sex with you.

uoy two need to have asex with ceach othzer. because it would be so so hot. like, really hot. the answer to all problems is less clothes. so

yesr. you should shag each other.

can i wjatch? becausfe it would be like my peyrsonal ideabl porn.


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Sober now.

Think we can have the talk you were avoiding?

February 14th, 2014

Filtered to Lexi Branson

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[ooc: backdated to last night and the drunkenness of people!]

Cut for GIF! )
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