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February 14th, 2014


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[Sent to Bekah & Caroline]
»I'm possibly some combination of weirded out and annoyed because it's really really obvious how protective Crowley's being of Anna lately
»It's stupid, right?
»I mean....it doesn't matter.
»Nevermind. Forget I said anything. Doesn't matter.

»Are you bus
»You're being really
»It shouldn't matter, and it probably doesn't, but

»What's up?

February 13th, 2014

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thisdrnk taststs lik bacn

No evil, no heaven

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It shouldn't be different. Being here. But it is.

I guess its expected

That said, the spirit you all show is incredible. Don't change, not for a second


Drinks? We need to catch up

February 10th, 2014


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Do you have anything more, yet? I cannot keep waiting, I
The longer this takes... it may not work at al

February 6th, 2014


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So....we talked to the baby brother yesterday. Explained everything. Went...considerably well, actually.

[*Old Norse!]

So, you're all right with everything? I mean, I know it was a lot to take in and it's okay if it scares you at all. Just...you'd let us know if it did, right?

Not that it changes anything I've done or said recently but I think I owe you an apology.

You were right, for the record. Your whole honesty policy and everything.

February 3rd, 2014

Filtered from Lucifer Loyalists and Heaven

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Its quite some time since I was here, 2 years at least. But some of you I remember.

For those that don't my name is Anna. I'm...like Castiel. An Angel. And I know that's too little too late, and I know I wasn't here when you needed me. But if I could have been, I would have.

Heaven is just as cruel as hell and sometimes far more creative. I'd rather they not know just yet. That I'm here.

[Crowley and Rose]

My grace. I didn't know if I wanted it back, didn't know if it would make things worse.

I still don't know.

If nothing else I want it with me. Safe. So that if I need to make the choice I can

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Any sign of this storm letting up yet Ice Princess? The novelty has rather worn off. I personally could care less but Henrik is


What is it about this place that I've lost them all to love.

And why am I finding it so difficult to even talk to my own brother


Seems you had quite the revelation from my brother.

Oddly out of the three you're the only one I can generally tolerate but you know how this goes. Hurt him and it won't end pleasently.

February 1st, 2014


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[a few hours after this]

Can we ta
So Bekah and I were talking and
There's a thing I should tell y
I think I l


We talked and I blame you for it. For the record.

January 29th, 2014

Filtered to Ruby Winchester

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How's stuff? The Moose giving you any hassle?

I don't suppose you've got any time for your BFF to possibly flail at you, do you?

January 28th, 2014

Filtered to Kol Mikaelson

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So. Situation.

Anna's here.

Filtered from Heaven loyal angels and any remaining Lucifer Loyalist

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Why's the seal putting people there.

In that place...

I mean I know, I know you did it I felt...

It doesn't make sense.

Rose I...


No human was meant to endure, and so many of you...

Are you okay? Stupid question but...can I do anything


Help me
I need
Heaven can't

So. Promotion

January 19th, 2014

Texts, sent somewhere around 3AM

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»It was supposed to be for the better but it just looks like it's for worse
»She's going to click off and not come back, I'm going to lose her to this
»You don't understand how heightened our emotions are
»Everything she's feeling, I can't even
»How am I supposed to sit here and watch her just suffer?
»How do you get over Hell?
»I can't do this

[So basically, blank text. Sorry, Crowley! Be confused at your vampire!]

»I love you
»You know that, right?

»So, drinks
»Those should happen

January 18th, 2014

No lingering loyalists

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So, on Thursday I was bored and decided to play with my new King of Hell powers and was accidentally blasphemous.

It might have made the news

I regret nothing.

January 17th, 2014


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Is there some specific sort of solid, distinct partition between different versions of hell and the underworld, or are they simply different concepts or beliefs about the same location?

The gods of this world's mythology exist together, and several different ones claim dominion over the underworld or hell or whatever specific name they are giving it, and I am aware you have recently taken the throne of hell as we know it... I was not certain how that works.

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Filtered to Kol Mikaelson )

Filtered to Ruby Winchester )

Filtered to Lexi Branson )

Filtered to Rose Tyler )

January 16th, 2014

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The soul is the self, the "I" that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity, a computer without the software, a space suit with no astronaut inside.


I'm fully functional. My mind is intact. This information is highly inaccurate.

What else have we got on souls?

January 15th, 2014

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He's talking out his ass. Celestial and all.

Open it. Get the damn soul back. We can figure out the rest later


We'll make this better okay? We'll find a way.

January 14th, 2014

Filtered to friends of Rebekah and Stefan, but not you Henrik. Not yet :p

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Got her.

Right so Stefan's unconcious. Elijah as usual is most entertaining when he's being violent.  Rebekah..will be unconcious again in a moment. Currently she's hallucinating.

I've never seen it without emotions. Its interesting. 

I'll cure her when we're back there. Where are we bringing the wayward vampires?

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I don't know how to explain it but my husband doesn't love me right now. Or our child. Or probably his brother. Probably anything.

Castiel's gonna do something weird and angelic to check what but if he runs. If he tries anything I'm gonna need you. 

This is messed up.


Answer me honestly shortbus.

Do you still love Ben? Jules?
Sam, Emily?
...I dunno, your damn car?

Yes or no?

January 10th, 2014


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So, how are you? All things considered.

So, I know you're all...emotionless and I mean nothing to you or whatever but I just wanna say no matter what, I'm glad I had you as friend, even if you don't care about me anymore and I hope one day, we get back to that friendship.

Your family never gets a break, do they? I'm sorry things are so crazy and I really hope it gets better for you guys soon.

So, how's the new job?

Hey...how are you?
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