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War Is Coming Communications.



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May 27th, 2014

Filtered Aganst Evil

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I fancy going dancing.  Tonight,  Anyone fancy joining me?

Vex, no making fun of me.

Dyson, no you don't have to dance.  But, you're still coming.

Kenzi, yeah i know.  No need to ask.  Bring the siren.

Graham, you and the missus should get a babysitter, and come out.

May 21st, 2014

Bo (Of the fae variety)

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Oi, Suucubint.

We should talk.

Possibly over sambucca shots

May 16th, 2014

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How you feeling, with Hale being here and all that?


I want to maul that pirate.

How are you? You know any time you need to feed, I'm here, right?


Haven't spoken in a while, what you up to?


You're being quiet, I find this suspicious. Are you okay?


So how are you adapting to being here now?

May 7th, 2014

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I don't do beaches. They're weird and sandy and generally hell on my complexion.

Anyone else just fancy the pub?


So Hale.

Bet you're all manner of happy. You two get it on yet?

April 30th, 2014

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Ok.  So, I thought I'd seen a lot.  But, traveling to Kansas in the blink of an eye, was not something I ever expected.  Hell, I thought the only person powerful enough for that would be the Blood King.  So, explanation anyone?  And anyone seen the druid?  I need to kill him.

Kenzi?  You here Little Momma?

April 10th, 2014

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[Kenzi and Tamsin]

I told Lilu I'd sort her a nice guy. Told her I had it all sorted.

Bollocks do I. I don't know any nice guys.

Find me nice guys for her. say I found em


Right so, you and me need a chat about a chirpy little ginger

April 9th, 2014

Filtered to friends who aren't Hook

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This crush is not going away! Gah!

April 6th, 2014

No evil

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I need a drink....or five...or ten...or twenty.  I don't really know.  Just lots.

Don't ask.  Just drinks.  That's a thing.

March 31st, 2014

Filtered against evil bitches.

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You know what's worse than not knowing what you want to wish for?

Trying to figure out how your wish works after you've wished it.

March 28th, 2014


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I tried wishing for Evony never to have given me Mas
For me never to have gotten him into druid crap
Tried for Hale not to be dead.

Tried a lot. But it don't work like that.

So I want to wish something for you. Seems I can't make something happen to you but I could wish for something you want so you can sort of have two.

Amends have to start somewhere, yeah?

March 24th, 2014

Friends filter

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So, there's a glowing wish ball thing.

What's everybody wishing for?  I was thinking an endless supply of very expensive scotch.

March 10th, 2014

Adults 21+

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All right, Peter is posting to me saying...Jacen says he's a Jedi and Bae and Belle are talking bout ogres nd magic. He believes them...but Lois is warning the rest of the kids about them...

I have no idea who half these people are, but I don't even know where to begin. Do I tell him he's right that they're real? I have no idea how to handle this.

[Still properly aged friends]
He's here and he's tiny and more how I remember him and I missed so much with him, I kind of don't want this to end.

March 5th, 2014

Filtered to Kenzi

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So when you say ' you need time' how much time?

I'd normally leave it a few years but you're all human and breakable and stuff, and the seal is a thing so...yeah.

How much time is time?

Just come over. We'll talk? Or sit and awkwardly watch Rachel McAdams be amazing.

I'll do your hair?

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What you up to?


I know you're being emotional fae. Talk to me? We are friends, right?


You. Are adorable.


How you doing? I have cookies, want some?!

February 21st, 2014

Texts to Peter

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No Evil

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Wow, a marathon of watching my life on tv may not have been the best plan.  That was a bit of a headfuck.  But it did what I needed it to, and my memories have come back....mostly.  Not entirely positive that's a good thing.  But, it's done now.

[Bo Dennis]

I'm sorry that I betrayed you, and tried to kill you.  I promise to try and make that up to you.


I'm sorry I drove you off a cliff.  Forgive me?

Also, I saw what happens between us in the future.


You are the bestest human Mom ever.

You did not defeat the Garuda you big liar!

[Richard Plantaganet]
Thank you for looking out for me when we first arrived here.  I should probably explain a few things, like why I've gone from child to fully grown adult in two weeks.

February 19th, 2014

Filtered against evil bitches.

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Is there any way we can make it so that we remember everything that we learned here when the Seal decides to stamp our tickets down as round trip? How does all this Seal mojo work, anyway?

[ooc: Guyyyys, should I tag Kenzi as Kenzi Malikov now that we FINALLY know her last name or should I just keep the Kenzi tag as Kenzi? I DUNNO WHAT TO DO. Oh, and this post will probably contain Lost Girl spoilers for the last few eps, so enter at your own risk, etc.]

February 17th, 2014

Filtered away from evil, heaven, hell, Kenzi and Bo

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Deals. How do they work? Can I, say, make a deal here to change things at home?

Filtered against evil bitches.

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February 16th, 2014

Text to Kenzi

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>> Kenzi love please, can we just have a chat, you and me.
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