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War Is Coming Communications.



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June 14th, 2012

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You are still alive and kicking, yes?


Or is Justice in control? Just to make sure...

Hello? Is Anders there? Can I please speak to Anders?

...and I actually do want to talk to you this time. And not that stick in the mud


June 13th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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Is everyone okay? It's all over now, isn't it? Everyone's safe?

This was ten kinds of crazy.


How insane are you going?

[Black Widow and Hawkeye]

How are you two settling in? In spite of the bad start? If you're planning to leech money out of  Tony I will kick your


Okay I know Pepper's on leave so nothing's running sensibly. But why is a ridiculous amount of money being funneled to Romanoff? I mean, your money and all that, but still...

June 7th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine/Master/Romana

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Having to be rescued annoys me. Any updates on when crazy mc Time Lord can DIAF?


I hear I owe you for pointing out where we were. Thank you.


We're both back, we're both okay. And you make a good hero babe.


You alright?

[Dr Banner]

I missed you getting here and I know you don't know me but we're from the same world. Sort of. Names Felicia Hardy, good to meet you.

June 5th, 2012

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine

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I thought an expression of gratitude was due. Thank you to all who helped rescue me and the others from that awful place. You, too, Kingslayer.

June 4th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Master, Romana

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Okay, did anyone else see that note or whatever that was delivered to the complex? Pretty sure it's a clue to where some of the kidnapped are being held. I'm not the best ever at solving riddles, but given my rather extensive history of treasure hunting, I can discern a piece of it? Maybe?

It sounds like some are being held underground? Is there anything underground around here? You know, buildings or anything? Holes dug into the earth? Really, I'm just bullshitting about that part, but pretty sure someone is underground somewhere.

Any other input on the riddle before I go digging tunnels under the entire city?

June 2nd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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All right, this is getting absolutely bloody ridiculous. Has anyone seen Doreah? I just went to see if she wanted to help me look for people, and she's not here.

Bloody Maker these things need to be taken out. I'm getting really sick of this.

May 30th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer & Moriarty.

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They took Felicia.

We need to double our efforts. Now.

I'm hacking into traffic cameras spread across the city. If we're lucky, I'll find out where those dummies like to party soon enough.

May 15th, 2012

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My sister has been taken home. And here is the price for my sin, my betrayal.


You still have me. For what that is worth to you. You'll be safe here.


So it seems the Seal saw fit to return Cersei home.

I'm going to need a day or two.She was fucking Lancel, our cousin, she's been fucking him for gods know how long. I was a fool Isabela.

May 9th, 2012

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I need to ask something utterly vital.

These boots


Or these boots.


Yes I may have been shopping. What :p


Sooo you were a little bit high, huh? What's that about?


You okay sweetie?


This dating thing confuses me. Am I not supposed to sass you now? Am I supposed to sass you more?

I feel more sounds about right. Should I post up the picture of you in the skinny jeans?

May 2nd, 2012

Filtered against evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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I would like to personally thank each and every one of you involved in handling the blighted horseman. There are far too many outcasts in this city that can't, or won't, go to proper medical centers. I did my best to keep the healing magics as subtle as possible, but should anyone hear any gossip about someone with glowing hands, that would be me. Or if you hear anything about a glowing blue man, but hopefully the people that saw that can actually be discr

I'm sorry I was out of touch these last few days. You know how I get about tending to the lost and forgotten. You are okay, yes? I likely won't be much good to anyone until I have a proper shower, but if you need any healing of your own, you've only to say the word.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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Bloody Maker I'm sore after that. But I'm so glad that shit is done. Now I plan to get really drunk, and pass out again.

May 1st, 2012

no LUCIFER bitches.

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we've got him. [address] hes got demons, would not be against that backup now.

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[Sam, Cordelia and Stefan]

We've got a location for where Pestilence might be. You guys up for checking it out? One of the other teams is going to do so, but the more people they have, the better.

[Anders and Jaime]

I'm helping with this going after Pestilence thing. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Some bloody disease-spouting Horseman of the Apocalypse isn't taking me down.

filtered against evil

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I think I might have a lead on Pestilence.

I was following up on a patient at Lawrence Memorial today and found he'd been moved to the oncology ward by accident in all the chaos. While I was digging through the system to locate his file and transfer paperwork, I noticed that, while there are no more sick people here than at any other hospital, the way they're getting sick seems to be different. The diagnoses are shifting rapidly, and shifting between diseases you can't mistake for one another no matter how incompetent you are. It's like something is trying out different diseases, discarding some, combining some, and generally experimenting.

It's all centered around the oncology unit, and when I checked the staff logs I found out this particular unit is running on maximum patient capacity and minimum staffing. Most of the nurses and all but one doctor have stopped showing up for work, like someone's cleared the area.

It might be nothing, but I'd appreciate it if we could get one of those teams Sam put together here to look in to it.

April 28th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer, Moriarty, & Pestilence.

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I think someone is watching my house.

Filtered to everyone who was interested in helping RE: Pestilence. )

April 27th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer, Moriarty, & Pestilence.

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After some discussion in my last post, Jo suggested that Pestilence might be housing himself in a hospital or some other sort of similar location. If those of you who wanted to help before are still game, I was thinking that we could split ourselves into groups and search those areas for something that might lead us to him. What do you think?

(Filtered to Dean)
How's the violent hand thing working out for you?

(Filtered to Jo)
I was driving by the Roadhouse a couple minutes ago. I noticed some pretty shady looking people standing outside. You should be careful.

(Filtered to Ruby)
Are you feeling okay? No signs of sickness or anything weird?

April 25th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer & Moriarty & PROBABLY Pestilence.

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The timing on this apocalypse crap really
We can't even get more than two days to mourn

I'm willing to bet my soul on Pestilence being responsible for what's going on here. That means we've probably got another Horseman in town, which means that those of us who aren't infected need to work together to figure out how to find the son of a bitch before he starts picking us off one by one.

(Filtered to Jo)
Where are you?

(Filtered to Dean)
Don't...put that hand near anything sharp.

(Filtered to everyone who commented on Sam's last post)

filtered to Isabela

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Are you well? It seems as if some strange plague came to town to wreak havoc.

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Joffery is extremely ill now, he keeps no food down. I'm not sure what the best thing to do for him is. Should I bring him to the healers or can he be dealt with here? I am not a father, I can't even seem to....

[Healers (aka medical personnel, healers anyone like that]

There is also...

I don't know if its relevant but my hand has been loosing feeling. My sword hand. I don't understand why and its probably not as severe as what you're dealing with but without it I am nothing

April 18th, 2012

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[Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine and Lannister-blooded people]

I need a bloody night out. Doreah! We're going to that club tonight! If anyone else wishes to join in the dancing and drinking and orgy, join us at [insert address]. Well, the orgy is optional. Willing participants only!

Anders, make sure we get home safely, please?


After I get over the impending hangover I will have tomorrow, I need new shinies. Like, several of them. You in?
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