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March 27th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Been thinking of somewhere new to travel to, just for a little bit sometime. Not now. Little bit later, like at some point during next month. I've been to Chicago, Tokyo, Hawaii, London, Denver, San Francisco. Might try Vegas, or Chicago again.. that was my home city before after all. Though.. I'm thinking, Rome. I was born there. And rich in history, amazing empire and their military campaigns were really g Yeah, might try for Rome.

I'm in the grocery store right now, in case any extra food or supplies are needed for the apartment complex. If anyone needs something specific (like a certain brand or whatever), let me know and I'll bring it to the complex very soon.

March 25th, 2013

Filtered to Female Friends

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[OOC: Very small list as most of her friends are male; so you girls know who you are. If you aren't sure ask but I'm sure everyone knows if they are a friend of Regina's.]

How does an evening for just us sound? We can watch the hallmark channel and drink wine.

March 22nd, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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The 29th will mark 6 months that I've been here in Lawrence. Doesn't feel as if that much time has gone by, and yet it has.

How're you, dear?

Thank you for allowing me to spend those few hours with Henry.


[Harry L]
I don't think you realize just how awkward a situation you created.

March 20th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Monster truck rally in Dodge City this weekend. You're coming, right, Harry?

March 14th, 2013

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[Filtered against evil]

How difficult a task would it be to locate a statue of Venus Verticordia?

[Filtered to the House of Lust and Katherine]

And if the masses move to not help or have an answer to my question, would any of you happen to have an answer for me?

Filtered from Evil

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Its getting nicer outside, the trees are starting to look less bare, anyone else noticed?

[Filtered to friends who are not Enjolras]

He told me he loved me.

I mean, him, his heart has always just been France and now...

I never thought anyone would say that. I accepted it because Marius would never love me like that, but he spoke to me like Marius did to Cosette and I still can't quite believe how lucky I am.

I said it back you see.


I haven't ever really gotten this far

What happens now?

February 28th, 2013

No evil. No Maleficent.

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I've been avoiding this
I'm going to regret

Other than being a nuisance at the present moment do we have any idea what Maleficent is looking to do?

Interesting tactic using apples.

Keeping out of trouble, dear?

[House of Lust]
There isn't a need to keep me contained to the house anymore. I won't lie and say I don't still have moments but nowhere near like what it was before.

How's the roommate situation, dear? Everyone settling in well?

I never wanted to
It hurts to know
I made you a promise


[ETA: Rumple]
Thought I'd let you know that Belle asked about our Maleficent today. I told her what I could and told her to ask you for more. Speaking of Maleficent, what are your thoughts on her. I'm going to regret this act of civility later

February 25th, 2013

Friends filter

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Don't be too alarmed if you notice other people in my house next time you're here. I have roommates now.

Not the roommate situation you have, of course, dear.

[House of Lust]
In accommodating the new roommates, I need to take care of my own....nutritional needs away from my home. No, I'm not asking for donoations, I'm sticking to blood bags these days even though it's better straight from the source but these guys, they're vampires as well but they don't need blood to survive. It's more like a drug for them, so I've agreed to keep it out of the house. So, what I'm getting at here is, can I store the bags at your home and take care of it there?

[Hal & Mitch]
Settling in all right so far?

February 20th, 2013

Friends Filter

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I did it. I turned it back on.

[ooc: if you aren't sure, ask, but I think her group of friends is so small, you all know who you are. XD]

[Filtered against evil]
I'm sorry for the mess with Dark. I shouldn't have been so reckless. For what it's worth...I had no idea Gershom was Dark aged down and I legitimately thought I was doing the right thing.

February 16th, 2013


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As I'm sure you noticed late last night, Regina is back but she is not quite herself. There are some lingering effects still from the man that held her.

February 14th, 2013

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[Filtered to House and Snow]

Regina and Katherine went somewhere last night and she told me to inform the two of you if she wasn't back by dawn. She has not returned.

[Filtered to Galen and Gannicus]

Regina is gone and I do not know where she is.

[OOC: Gaia has been freaking out since she found Regina's note to her this morning and found her gone from the house. Sorry Galen, but you're lucky if you get English out of her.]

January 25th, 2013

House of Lust

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I left today, to help a boy who just got here. We're staying at my house. Just wanted to let you know, in case you were wondering where I disappeared to.

Are you settling in all right so far?

January 21st, 2013

Filtered against Evil

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After a week of warm tropical temperatures it feels far colder than it is here. I'm still readjusting but know that I can't put off what the outcome was for much longer. While away I soul searched and thought about a lot of things in my life. As most of you know before I left the attempts to bind my magic had failed leaving me with two choices. Either use magic for good or not use it at all and ignore that I'm capable of using it. It wasn't an easy decision to make but one that I am confident is the right choice. The risk of going down the dark path I once travelled is too great so I've chosen to ignore that I'm capable of using magic. That's easier said than done but it is something I will work hard at everyday.

Not that I expect many of you to come by but there is a small bakery on the edge of town [Address Here] that I'm helping out at three days a week.

January 8th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil, Henry and Belle

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Loki attempted to bind my magic a few days ago. I believed it would work, but it didn't. I now have a choice to make. I could use it for good as a few have suggested or ignore its presence. Neither choice is easy because all magic comes with a price. A price I have all ready paid so dearly. I'm going to take some time away before deciding. There are those who may believe I'm incapable of change but I am and I'm going to prove it. I just need time.

Thank you for being willing to try even if the outcome wasn't what we hoped for.

Katherine and Gaia
How would you two feel about going away for awhile? Somewhere tropical and secluded?

Edit: Guana Island Resort. I'm looking into everything we will need to make this happen.

December 23rd, 2012

Filtered to House of Lust and Katherine

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This christmas festival, it includes a feast, does it not? Do any of you have any particular food you wish included? When would you like to have the meal? Saturnalia seemed so much easier to coordinate

December 18th, 2012

No Evil

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No....this isn't I can't why did How could I have been so careless to make that wish...Is there a way to undo wishes made on these baubles?

December 7th, 2012

Filtered to House of Lust + Katherine and Snow

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The hallmark channel is playing holiday movies all day now. Would anyone care to join me? I don't want to be alone

Stephanie Brown

How are you doing, dear?

December 3rd, 2012


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Stay indoors with Gannicus. I'm going to the complex to assist them in fending off the attack. Do not fear. I have every intention of returning to you.

November 26th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Sithspit. I can't sense the Force anymore or use it.

[House of Lust]
I am still able to fight but the abilities I had, they're gone. I'll do a run for supplies then I suggest everyone stays inside until this hopefully blows over.
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