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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 4th, 2013

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can you feel it?

i can
its the stuff of nightmares, those twisted others
they scurry and creep

you cant kill fear
you cant

i tried but i wasnt very good and now i cant keep them at bay

February 3rd, 2013

Filtered Against Evil and Dark

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I refuse to admit that As I wasn't here the last time..how bad will things get if this Dark is in fact back?

I can't stay inside and wait any longer. With everything that was speculated upon last night I'm going to go out and search for him. Do you want to meet me?

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I'm going out searching for the young boy Gershom. I'll be armed, I'm not crazy enough to leave unprotected. Should be back in a few hours. You can argue all you want about staying inside because it isn't safe but he is a child whose frightened and I have to at least try and find him.

Filtered against evil and Dark

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Okay. First things first. I am not making this post to start a mass panic and the last thing I want is certain people Jacen and Kon to run head first into trouble and cause more havoc than we need. But people need to be informed.

Cut because boy did this get long )


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Where's Dark and his disgustingly perverted carnival? How close are they to Lawrence?

February 2nd, 2013


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you shouldnot TRUSTTT MEfor now
isuspect that isa bad iplan
but not forvevr i hoppe just now
i am not me

[OOC: *basically this is filtered against Dark, but in such a way that no one will see that it is filtered against Dark. Yeah. It also keeps out the general evil, too! Yes, drunkLoki. It needed to happen again. We will blame his vikingy lifestyle.]

January 30th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Clint and I are engaged.

And it feels almost like we have normal lives

January 29th, 2013

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Got something I need to ask you. In person.

Where'd you run off to? Got a few people here worried kid.

January 28th, 2013

filtered against evil

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Does anyone want to go to the range with me? I know it's a little late, but I'm itching to practice.

January 29th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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This sounds so bad
The first decent thing I've done and now this
It's not like he's tiny how the hell did I
Has anyone seen or heard from Gershom? I'm pretty sure he snuck out on me. Just want to make sure he's okay. Even if none of you will believe tha
Oh for fuck's sake
Good fucking job, Katherine

I lost him. How the hell did I lose him? Is that a thing? Do people lose kids? I don't think this is a normal thing. Although, teenager. They like to pull insane stunts like this, right? Oh for fuck's sake, Regina, how did I lose him?!

January 24th, 2013


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So. Wanna swing by for some archery?

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I learned something. And it's a very important thing to learn. Though maybe it's really that I knew it all along, and never did realize until now.

You see..

It's that they can't hurt you unless you let them.

January 21st, 2013

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[Filtered: Ruby]
I'm not talking to her anymore.

[Filtered: Avenger Warehouse residents]
Is it possible to stay a night or two with you?

[Filtered: Emma & Henry]
I'm not going to be home tonight. I'll be back in the morning. I love you both so, so much.

January 15th, 2013

No evil

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....what the hell is this and why the hell do people come up with this crack stuff?

January 8th, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I still regret nothing.

Except for maybe the part where you were annoyed with me. Maybe.

Still annoyed?

January 7th, 2013

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[Filtered to Clint]

Meet me at address, birthday boy.

January 6th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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I'm thinking about getting one of those anti-possession tattoos. I heard there was a place that does it.. anyone have the address for it? Also, does it hur It's not definite, but I'm really seriously considering the idea of having it done. I hope it doesn't hurt much. This would be my first one. No Dark Marks for me, ever

January 5th, 2013

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Would you mind meeting me for tea when you are free? I need to talk to someone.

I was wary of the Astrolabe to begin with, now I'm petrified about it
I pray a day never comes where I have to use it here


That English longbow you made for me, do you still have it at the Warehouse?

Locked from Lucifer: aka Tony has this coded so that Lucy only sees an ani-Iron Man eating tacos.

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I'm bored.

I've been bored.

I may continue to be bored if I don't find something that is less boring than the boring and tedious process that is avoiding running my place of business.

It's a new year. The world hasn't ended yet. I say we ease my boredom woes with what is typically referred to as a "party", but realistically will be expanding above and beyond anything that word could possibly do justice.

If you like food, strippers, fireworks, hot tubs, alcohol, live music, alcohol, and more alcohol, then you are invited to [address] tomorrow night.

If you don't like food, strippers, fireworks, hot tubs, alcohol, live music, alcohol, and more alcohol, then you probably have some serious personal problems and should focus on seeking out some sort of professional therapy.

But only after you come to [address] tomorrow night.

Ah, and before I forget: for all of you people who like commenting with "b-but the apocalypse is now, we can't afford to waste our precious time consuming your expensive alcohol and having the time of our lives, Tony Stark!" arguments, I just want you to know in advance that I am fully prepared to reply to your comments with movie quotes that will in no way have anything to do with what you're whining about.

Disrespectful? Maybe. I like to see it as the exact opposite, as I do believe it is me giving you the time of day.

Don't say I never did anything nice.

December 28th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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So people going to camp next week, I got two, possibly three seats available in the car for anyone who needs a ride. I already got one taker. Having three people total in the car aside from the driver will make it the most comfortable for all, but if someone really needs it we can squeeze three in the backseat.

As I promised myself after the crazy earlier this month, I'm headed to camp so I'm better prepared if/when it happens again. I won't lose you again
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