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War Is Coming Communications.



Skipped Back 20

June 23rd, 2013

No devil

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So. Now that I've caught some shut eye, I've decided that I'm throwing a party because I think we all need a chance to relax. Next Friday, my place, 10pm. There will be a ton of booze and food.

Everyone's invited, but if you cause drama, I'm throwing your ass out a window.

ETA after this little gem: [BUFFY]

What the hell do you think you're doing?

ETA #2 [Angel]
You gotta have a talk with our girl.

Filtered to vampires

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Hi. I'm Buffy Summers, also known as the Vampire Slayer. You're a vampire.

I realized that some of you might not know who I am, or what I do. Where I come from, as the Slayer it's my job to slay vampires, demons, and so on, up to minor gods. Ask anyone, and they'll tell you I'm pretty good at it, and that's partly because I've got extra abilities that make slaying vampires a breeze.

What I'm saying is, I've got an instinctive desire to put a stake through your heart, and the ability to do it. So...

We should probably all agree to stay out of each other's way.


[[OOC: please forgive me if I'm slow replying to replies to this. I was not planning to do this, I've got a deadline coming up that I'm working on this weekend and next week and I know there's a possibility this could get bigger than I can keep up with, especially since Buffy's been hard to write lately, but...yeah. Gotta do what the character wants to do.]]

June 16th, 2013

Sent to Angel

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Happy Father's Day )

June 3rd, 2013

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[Sunnydale/LA (Buffyverse) filter minus Lilah]

You guys up for a patrol tonight with all this mess going on?

May 25th, 2013

Evil can fuck off

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Walk out of the room for five seconds and...gone. She's bloody gone. Just like that.

May 15th, 2013

Filtered against baddies

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That was just....weird. Everyone else okay?

May 3rd, 2013

Filtered against evil, Hal/Lord Harry, and Lily Potter

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Okay, here's the deal.

I get that no one here actually brought me here, it was some sort of Seal with a capital Screwed Up, but back home in the land of Still Totally Screwed Up How Is This Happening (my life: genuine thriller material lately), I've got a friend who's in danger. Her name's Alicia, and she saved my life. I was gonna return the favor, but then I ended up here.

I'm freaking out about her, because back home, there were some hardcore freaks (probably not human, okay? but I didn't have a chance to dissect the one we...took out) and they were seriously trying to kill us. Seriously.

Now, they're not here, but neither is Alicia.

So yeah. I can't go back, right? But...there's got to be something I can do. Can I send her weapons through this Seal? At least see if she's alright? I'm really worried.

May 1st, 2013


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Please tell me you're still you and remember everything.

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The next time I say I'm going on a vacation after, you know, saving the world and dropping my town into a crater, I'm going to specify a vaction from all things weird.

Now that that's said, Buffy + Scoobies, sound off! Because I refuse to believe I'm in bizarro land alone.

April 24th, 2013

Filtered against Evil

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So, anyone else feeling useless?  Thing is, I kinda felt that way before.  Just waiting for people to come back from a fight, hoping they weren't too banged up, doing the first aid thing.  Now, here, it's even worse.  I mean, I can't help with first aid, you guys have real doctors for that.  I'm no help in the fighting and people are getting hurt!  I'm not getting any visions so I can't even warn people!  This is just one situation where being arm candy is so not enough.

Someone give me something to do!  Something useful that stops people from getting hurt!  I'll even take some brain seizure inducing visions over this!

April 10th, 2013

filtered against evil

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Vampires had it good before Twilight. Now every tween girl thinks that vampires sparkle and want to watch over them while they sleep and exchange pleasantries in a happy meadow full of flowers. And who in their right mind would turn someone like Bella Swan? I miss Anne Rice's heyday.

April 1st, 2013

Now filtered against the EVIL and the big guy down below, or now above.

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Right so it's bad enough that I totally just lost my favorite pair of boots, and missed an audition this morning thanks to some rotten egg smelling demon mess, but now, I seem to have lost my apartment.  My wonderful rent controlled apartment.  Which, has some awesome features by the way, not the least of which is my very own ghost bed!  So while I appreciate the kidnapping and impending sacrifice and or demon spawning going on here, someone needs to just point me the way home. 

Also, replace my jacket which totally got destroyed on the way here.

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You ever get sick of trying to explain how you're not evil?

ETA: now filtered against evil?

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Hello Lawrence online network of the year 2013?

Which either someone is playing a very intricate practical joke--it does say it's April 1st and that's like the joke day. Pretty elaborate joke though to somehow get me to the middle of the country. Or there’s magic involved, maybe techno-magic, or time travel? Maybe all three. Maybe just two out of three.

Or I’m locked in a dream world again but usually I don’t realize that one until much later in the dream. And usually it involves nightmarey creatures of some kind. Which I’m doubting is what’s happening because these computers are pretty damn amazing and you don’t need to have cables to be hooked into the internet and the person next to me their phone--I’m babbling as I type so I should probably cut this short and do get to that whole point thing. And I guess the whole computer set up is like out of one of my dreams...

Any information would be great and if anyone could spot me the hundred dollars or so it’ll take for a bus ticket back to Sunnydale that would be amazing. Or point me in the direction of a phone that works because none of the numbers I try dialing seem to be going through.

April 2nd, 2013

Filtered from the Devil, apparently

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....'the hell?

Lorne? ...Eurotrash is this some kind of trick?

March 25th, 2013

Filtered to vampires

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Because I really don't feel like feeding on rats constantly
Glad I read back and see that there's a variety of interesting vampires here and not just Spike

How does one get blood around here without money to buy it from butcher shops?

March 24th, 2013

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Is there anything worth seeing in Laurence Kansas? Like, things that are beautiful?

[OOC Note: Buffy is probably going to...zone out/give up at some point in the middle of this, so you know, fair warning. It's completely an IC thing.]

March 23rd, 2013

ETA: Filtered against Lucifer

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Least I was able to get inside the warehouse before the sun could toast me

Either I was teleported here from LA or I fell through a portal to another part of the US...

September 2nd, 2012

Added filter against Lucifer and Katherine (after the suggestion)

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I know Sunnydale tends to be a supernatural breeding ground, but is a completely random portal to another dimension really necessary?

June 9th, 2012

Filtered from Lucifer and Evil.

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What the hell is going on now? Why the hell is there blood coming out of the faucets in my apartment?
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