War Is Coming Communications.

February 14th, 2014

February 14th, 2014

Hogwarts + Friends filter;

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[OOC: Anyone he's talked to and/or is friendly with is included in "Friends" part of filter]

I'm going to go to the pitch to do some Quidditch practice. Anyone wants to come watch or try it out, I'll be there [address] today and tomorrow around noon.

Oh! And my birthday party. Thinking about having one on Saturday in the evening, in my room. Don't worry, I can magic it to look and feel larger on the inside for more space. Will be plenty of cake and ice cream. Feel free to bring a friend or two if you want. :)

Family and SOs

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I will be out of town for the next 4 days. I will see you all soon.

Henrik you're in charge while I'm gone.

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There is an entire day to celebrate love!

This is better even than the mistletoe.

Emma I'm sorry for the living room...

...Actually I'm not, even slightly. Have cupcakes. I made cupcakes!

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Poor poor TARDIS has been overrun by many naked humans. Send help, or booze. I'll accept either.

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Stealth Delivery for Kon! )

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beacon hills
Stiles is coming home today, after he wakes up.


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[Sent to Bekah & Caroline]
»I'm possibly some combination of weirded out and annoyed because it's really really obvious how protective Crowley's being of Anna lately
»It's stupid, right?
»I mean....it doesn't matter.
»Nevermind. Forget I said anything. Doesn't matter.

»Are you bus
»You're being really
»It shouldn't matter, and it probably doesn't, but

»What's up?

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I think I'm going to sit here and glare at all the Valentines stuff..Tonight may be a movies and ice cream sorta night instead. When your ex decides moments of happiness like these are designed for to tearing your heart out I think a little boycotting is reasonable. So Bah Humbug V-day.

Text to Lydia B

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>>You'll help me escape won't you?

Filtered to Lexi Branson

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[ooc: backdated to last night and the drunkenness of people!]

Cut for GIF! )

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Might have made someone slap his girlfriend in the face instead of proposing to her like he planned.

Its that kinda day


why are you joking about proposals when Kenzi is

Did you watch the thing?

I only ask cause...


bollocks I can't. I'm sorry babe. You have no idea how much its just...stuff

Life here is complicated enough so can we just not?


I don't even know where to start. Can we find her? Its been weeks. And I feel...not entirely unresponsible

[ooc: There might be last ep of Lost Girl related spoilers in here, this is mostly though about Vex owning the crap he pulls :p He's growing as a person! Or Fae. Or Dark Faeder. Or something!]

Filtered to Hal

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Emma Swan

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Hey Emma,

Would it be alright if I took Henry out after school?  I promise I'll get him back by bedtime.

Thought you and Graham might like some time tonight.

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Thank me later! )

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Why is everything pink?

Also, where's good to drink in this town?  I'm booooooored!

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Oh My! Today so magical. A day all about love! Love love love! If Edward were here he'd LOVE this! I hope everyone likes the cupcakes and cookies I made them!!
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