War Is Coming Communications.

January 6th, 2014

War Is Coming Communications.


January 6th, 2014

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Weird. Expected things to be different. This is another trick, right?

(written over about 45 minutes)

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Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.

My heart is on total lockdown, why bother even trying to open up when I'll just be stomped on and betrayed over and over again? Ironic since I did get talked off the roof by Andy (and maybe Damien) last night. But today nobody will find me, I deserve to be as cold as ice. I deserve to be as cold as I feel.

I deserve nothing but hate. Nobody should even bother looking for me.

I deserve this and then some.

Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.
Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.
Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.
Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.


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I'm not gonna insist.  But when you're ready, when you make the call. I want to come see you. Okay. 
I'm also going to attempt to keep your boy from breaking down doors. He missed you Rose. We all did.

Filtered from evil

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I'm suspicious of the cold.

Okay so I can sorta do this protect myself against the elements thing and I might be maybe making snow angels. BUT its still totally freaking arctic. 

There have to be some people up for snow angels right now


I woke up and things were better. Nature had even calmed a little. (Okay before it went ahahaha cold.) But you had a part in that.  So yeah, if you're willing. Will you teach me?

Text to Rose

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>>Love you.
>>Just a phone call away if you need me.

Lydia B.

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Do you think I could do it? Stay away from the blood?


no evil

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一個猴子屁股磨砂的兒子 it's cold. I ain't goin out in the white death and nothin in the verse can make me.

[ooc: son of a monkeys frosted ass]

No Evil

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I just need some insights.

Everyone at the manor is hurting.

I've not seen Damien or Parker since the weekend and I'm simply trying to keep Endeavour above water emotionally (but he knows now I'm not this evil version he seems to have seen, my proof was something only we know about. Something even evil me would never understand. But I'm reminding him I'm very real as often as possible too). No sign of Sidney either but I did notice quite a bit of missing booze. Safe to assume she's at the manor but simply hiding?

So what should I do now? Of course Endeavour is my main focus since my heart is his. He's in one piece in a physical sense, emotionally its a whole other story.

But I'm just worried nobody within the manor will come out of this unscathed.

I just wish I could do more, especially to help him. I've got his operas going almost 24/7, its a passion and it actually seems to be helping.

Endeavour: I love you, I'm not going to run away. I will prove I am not her.

Damien: Please check in? I'll feel a little better known you and Parker are somewhere safe. I won't go barging in if you need space. Also filled up the gas tank on the bike.

Filtered from Lucifer loyalists.

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So. I'm back.

What did I miss?

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I believe we had an agreement.

I have made something for you, if you are up to it.


I will be back soon.


How is she?

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left for Sherlock all wrapped up in the morning of the 6th )

Texts to Bekah

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»So, you've had your day.
»And no one's been killed
»Can I see you now?
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