War Is Coming Communications.

November 13th, 2013

November 13th, 2013


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So I'm going to India for a week.

I leave on Friday. Surprise!

Also what did you do to Kol?


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Okay... I'll be honest...I wasn't entirely honest before about why I wanted the sigils. I just...thought the real reason would guarantee a no and it's...kind of important. It's not something I'm doing with Ruby.

I am invariably one of Lucifer's newest targets. Because I've gone and gotten atta I'm...involved with Crowley. And I know that he's probably not exactly on your list of favorite people or anything but it's more about... I don't want to be found. Because if I am, I'm bait. That's not something I'm okay with.

Given that... would you still be willing to help me? Ruby, you better be right about him not selling me ou

No evil/Lord Harry/Moriarty

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So as much as being fictional sucks...and is weird...and other things... I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this. They better frakking tell me what is going on with my sister because I still haven't fully processed that and just....what. I need answers, d-bags.

Screw Evil, Particularly Psychotic Demon Ex-Boyfriends

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So she's finally done it. My baby girl has said her first word.

And we all thought it would be mama, or even dada since that's what her big brother has been pushing on her.

Nope. Her first word was a distinct and very proud of herself "En-wee". Kid does love her brother, that's for sure!

And she's climbing everything trying to walk and who needs to sit down, really?

no evil

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..weird, randomly dizzy. but ive been getting sun and doing the right things. I think bed and I are gonna be bffs today. gravity is a bitch.

I lost my shoe on the way home from Chicago. I liked that shoe.

[Casa de Zee]
Thanksgiving is coming up. Are we doing anything?

[Connor T]

Also? I wanna phaser.

Filtered against evil

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So the girls currently like the phrase "allllll day". I have no idea where they picked it up from.

"Mommy drink coffee alllll day."

"Raerae keeps taking my blanket alllll day."

And my personal favorite: "I can fly with my cape alllll day.".

[Mom + girlfriends]
I've been thinking about taking off my wedding ring. It's just...I don't know. I don't think he's coming back.

Filtered from Evil

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So, odd question.

Anyone speak Indian?

Is that even what the language is called? I assume so? Anyway if you do, want a free trip to Chennai to translate the new and interesting ways the press hate me and whenever Anand says anything I might need to actually understand?


Rose or Caroline, right?


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I apologize for only posting this today. I was otherwise occupied. My French student said the head of the science department is [name] and his contact number is [phone number]. He was confident there are some positions open. Hopefully you can find something that will work for you.


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Delivery for Khan )

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[Filtered to Diana Prince]
Everyone is weird and different here. I miss home. And my mom. And MY Conner. And my team.

No Evil / Lord Harry / Moriarty / Khan / Kids

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Okay. Who knew Khan was here and that he wasn't really Sherlock? And if you knew, why the hell didn't you tell me? Because of everyone in this town I think I needed to know as soon as other people knew. I've thought I was paranoid from the moment he got here but I was right the whole time. I am...I honestly don't know how I feel right now. Fucking pissed is a good start.


I need to go shoot something to keep from shooting him. Do you have a gun I can borrow and a place I can shoot?


I get off work at one. I need to get very drunk and rant for a while. Feel like making sure I don't get alcohol poisoning again?


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Sherlock said you're the one who saved him from the demon.

Family filter + Crowley

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I think I sort of left you out of the loop on this one, Caroline, unless Nik told you. Sorry about that, wasn't intentional, promise.

Anyway, he's doing it. Castiel's going to go through with the sigils. His need not to give Lucifer anything he might want to play with outweighs his hatred of Crowley. He's not burning them into my bones though, so there's that? .com

[Elijah & Caroline]
You know, I was almost considering coming home for a bit at least. You can thank Nik for throwing that possibility out.

And just when I thought Nik was trying to be progressive, he's gone and reminded me why I'm not at home all over again.

Filtered Against Evil

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I have no idea how to care for an otter.

Or most creatures.


I am sorry, you know
I wish I'd never
I didn't mean for you to

[James Kirk]

I feel it's time you and I saw each other for what we really are, Captain.
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