War Is Coming Communications.

August 9th, 2013

August 9th, 2013

Filtered against evil bitches.

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You've been holding out on me.

According to Peter, you are currently in possession of a magical robot named Sprocket. This magical robot is a cleaning robot. It cleans things, Claudia. As in things that are dirty.

Wanna know what's dirty? My apartment.
Wanna know who doesn't want to clean it? Yep. That's right. Moi.

I think you and I are due for a very serious conversation.

Filtered against evil

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So as it has been brought to my attention, there seems to be a market for my robots that clean. Aside from the two lovely ladies I spoke with on Kenzi's post, is there anyone who wishes me to build them a robot that cleans?

Tony Stark, I may require your assistance in this matter.


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Oi. You. She who is better with horses than I'll ever be.

I think I need a favour.

Screw evil and screw John House

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You know what's good? Day drinking. I started at breakfast. Or technically lunch because I had the day off. Which is good because it means I didn't have to spend time pretending to be sober today. I'm sure you can't tell, considering I can still type in a legible manner, but I'm pretty sure I'm well on my way to my goal of ending tonight in a drunk coma.

[ooc: It's never been stated specifically, so I decided House's dad's b'day is today. Yay daddy issues? But rlytho. He has good reason for those. Not that he'll talk about it.]

Friends filter*

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[*includes anyone she talks to a lot...somehow this includes all the Originals]

I'm posting this now because basically from tonight until Monday morning I am pretty much crazily booked and would probably forget and then not be around for like seven days and people might think I've disappeared or something and that would be pretty sucky, soooo.

So Monday I leave for Ireland which yay Ireland! I’ll have my ipad but chances of me actually using for something other than organizational/navigational purposes are pretty slim. Not that I don’t love you people, but IRELAND.

If I don't return, please remember me fondly and know its because I ran off with a hot Irish man and will miss you all lots. But you know, hot Irish man easily wins in the end.

Now the important things!

Who wants to take me to the airport??

And think of great events you want to have happen. Of course there will be more laser tag and I am like 95% certain that the Lawrence Historical Society is so gonna do the Gone with the Wind ball but ideas people. Give me them.

Also, no one gets alcohol as a gift because you know ridiculous age thing, but I will drink some for each of you in spirit.

[Filtered to Tahiri] )

Zee's House of Fairytales + Honorary Members*

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So, tomorrow is the start of the meteor shower.

Which night do we want to make a night of it for watching?

Edit: Well it looks like tomorrow is out, so that leaves Sunday for the weekend unless Monday or Tuesday work better for everyone.

[HONORARY MEMBERS BEING! Dick and Neal. And.... Lois/Clark/Loki]

Psh, No Evil

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Aaaaaand we're back, bitches!!!!

Wraiths, what wraiths, don't see no wraiths here!!

Probably bad that I thought that was kind of fun

[Jane & Lizzie]

I missed Cali. Wanna go for Christmas, maybe? It won't be the same but...it's still home.

Filtered Against Evil

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Two weeks until the next semester starts up. This is both soon and not soon enough.

[Lancelot] )

We've got no time for you, evil

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Jones! Casablanca is playing tonight at the movies. Tell me you're in!


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So Ginger said...
...feel like going on a date...
..damn this is even MORE awkward than the first time

Can I talk to you about something?
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