War Is Coming Communications.

August 10th, 2013

August 10th, 2013

Adios evil, we don't need your kind here!

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Connor, is that you?!Read more... )

The devil isn't allowed

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Rose can we play hide and seek with your friend because you said he likes to play!

Graham & Henry

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Are we still on for baseball tomorrow? I saw you're on call, Graham, so if we need to reschedule Henry and I could do something else tomorrow. I thought I saw an open invitation to laser tag somewhere.

Texts To Ginger

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>> Hey, I'm out of the medbay. Never drinking that much again.
>> Want to meet up and figure out when we want to leave?

No evil

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Downside of working Homicide now. Having to have my phone on all weekend, just in case the suspect returns to his apartment. Here's hoping he stays away until Monday at least? I really don't want to have to leave in the middle of doing things to arrest a scumbag.


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I don't know what you told Charley, but thank you.
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