War Is Coming Communications.

December 28th, 2012

December 28th, 2012

Harry L.

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Did I mention how adorable you were the other day? Because I think it should be mentioned again if I did.

Filtered against evil

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Epiphany? Never change, love. Never change. You know I'll probably burn it or something, right? All set for your opening in a couple of days?

Is Peter all right?


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You're pretty brilliant. You know that right?

Filtered against evil

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So people going to camp next week, I got two, possibly three seats available in the car for anyone who needs a ride. I already got one taker. Having three people total in the car aside from the driver will make it the most comfortable for all, but if someone really needs it we can squeeze three in the backseat.

As I promised myself after the crazy earlier this month, I'm headed to camp so I'm better prepared if/when it happens again. I won't lose you again

Filtered Against Evil

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I just wanted to take a few moments to thank everyone who's been so wonderful the last few days. Those of you who came to the shower, the people who have visited or sent cards or gifts, the texts and the phone calls. All of this has made Aislinn's first days more special than you can know.

We're heading home today so if anyone else feels the need to fawn over my little princess, you'll have to come by the house to do so! I can't wait to put her in her cradle and know she's finally home.

It's probably wrong to be this happy. Sorry, if the planet implodes, it's likely my fault. Emma Swan isn't allowed to be this happy

And uh...sorry for ruining Christmas?

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...how long does it take? To feel normal again...?

Please tell me I'm not the only one that still can't wrap his head around what happened to us...

This is an Anti-Evil filter.

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I HAVE AN XBOX 360. And not only that, it's the limited edition Halo 4 Xbox 360. Fucking sweet.

Dude. Dude. Thanks. Seriously, man. And don't even try to act like you didn't do it because your name's on the packing slip.

Filtered against all those evil gits

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So I suppose it wouldn't be possible to make an attempt to start up Weasley's Wizard Wheezes here given most of the world is filled with muggles and might grow suspicious of actual WWW items.

Filtered Against Evil (I am the one who forgets, not Stefan)

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I didn't make a wish. Maybe it was a mistake but I could think of the wish Sam made and how much of a mistake he felt it was, and how tempting I thought it was. To not have to fight myself I thought it better to let the temptation pass. I still worry about the wish I made last year.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that the New Year is even better.

Thank you for the gift.

Please tell me you're not sick of Bon Jovi yet?

How would you feel about more volunteering?

Filtered to H.G.

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So...about that conversation I really can't have with anyone else...?

Filtered to Crowley and also House

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Hey so, King of the Crossroads and all as you are.

Simon Cowell, Deal or No Deal?

Filtered against evil

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Things I have learned about your holidays:

--You guys really like beards on your mythological figures. Like, to an unhealthy degree. What's up with that?
--Never try to snake the last shopping cart from a woman surrounded by three kids.
--It is a Bad Idea to ask a woman in a black dress (a habit, I came to find out) if red and green were the beard guy's favorite colors. You won't get an answer, but you will lose 45 minutes of your life.
--It is way too fucking cold to be celebrating anything.
--Most importantly, your universe seems to approve my mocking Zell. All of the things I could have wished for, and stealing the last Balamb Garden hotdog right out from under his deeply obsessed nose is still the most satisfying thing I could have asked for.

Two questions: 1.) Are we done with the holidays until it's actually properly warm?
2.) Who does a guy talk to about getting a legal ID here? I'd really like it if I could make some money that your stores would actually take. I managed to charm my way into some groceries, but I'm pretty sure that only works the one time.

Filtered against evil

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Far be it for me to bring this up on someone else's post, because I know a number of you will disagree with me. But I fail to see how keeping those under a certain age from learning how to defend themselves against the evils of this place can be at all beneficial. As a singular example, and I know there are many, Hermione has expressed a great deal of interest in learning these things and whilst I have consented to teach her what I can, there are those of you able to teach her other things that I myself cannot, beyond simple physical defences.

I suppose the real question is, why might they be permitted to attend classes offered here, but are restricted from attending the camp? Where does the difference lie?
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