War Is Coming Communications.

December 29th, 2012

December 29th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Not much a fan of cold, but least it's warm inside. Though I know fire or heating charms if it comes down to it, really I'm curious if there will be a New Years' type party or celebration. Possibly, I'd guess s much. Or I could just host another one. And I must admit that this holiday was quite awesome indeed. Not just gifts but the sweets and the food was definitely great too. May the next Christmas be just as good.. or even better than the last.

I'm going to be looking for a job too. Not sure what exactly I may end up doing, but anything with making normal money is good. Galleons aren't so useful here. Well, except for using Protean charms on, according to the books Umm.. except for fast food. Or working with complicated machine stuff. Just wherever has openings. I suppose I could try the Magic Box store for something, maybe they have an opening. Now that's an idea, sell magic items or herbs, or do inventory

[HP Wizards + magic-users filter]
I'm going to be out for a few days. Not sure how long. But a while. Need to do a bit of the recon needed to find a suitable location to set up a quidditch game when it gets warmer, and once the preparations are set. Somewhere close, yet also plenty of space to fit the measurements needed. And maybe a secluded area too if needed. I made the wish, so maybe it should be my responsibility to do the work in looking for a good pla Responsibility, not a word I used often before in sch I'll be around if anyone needs anything from me, just send a message to my phone [number] if there's any emergencies that come up while I'm gone, or if someone needs me for whatever.

A lack of evil as requested...pirates permitted

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I'm in the market for rum and a ship. In that order if possible.

Filtered to Mr. Stark

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I know I don't really have any right to ask this, but...

I know I've been out of the office for probably way too long and I just...wondered if there's still a place there for me after the new year or whether you'd had to fill my position in my absence...? Because I think I'm ready to come back, if you've still got space for me... I know we don't really need the money anymore because I just need to have a reason to leave the house every morning and I'm not finished catching up on my studying enough to be ready for sch

No evil

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It is my sad sad duty to inform everyone that Seifer Almasy is a fairly decent snowball fighter. You might even say he’s in the top three of snowball competitors.

I want a rematch, Seifer. In a few weeks because my shoulder is killing me.

Is it January 1st yet? I am so very ready to go back to work. Even if it means I’m on desk duty for a month--which really, I’ll get reduced to a week, two at the most before I’m back out on the town.

Though, thinking of work made me think of New Years and resolutions. Anybody coming up with some? I’m always torn on if I want to do them or not. My go-to for the last two years has been ‘Win a Pulitzer’, but pretty sure that wouldn’t be a good idea while here. Publicity and all.

Then I thought I could go with 'don't get kidnapped this year', but technically it only happened once last year while here so I'd say that was a pretty damn good job and why tempt the universe.

So, resolutions? What are you all thinking?


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How're your Russian lessons coming along?

No Evil

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I've had quite a lot of time to be lost in my own thoughts these past couple of days. Perhaps too much time. But I've made a decision. Everyone will believe what they want and I'm tired of trying to rationalize everything. I'm tired of trying to repair relationships that will never be repaired One accidental wish has hurt so many including myself. Apologizing has proven pointless and I'm at a point where I wonder if it even matters. Magic has never been a positive in my life and I very much doubt it could ever be. That being said I'm seeking out ways to be rid of it forever if its possible. I don't want any of you to try and convince me that it can be used for good because it can't. This magic has its way of leading me down a path I never want to travel again.

Loki, you said you may be able to bind it, and if that offer is still available I'd like to take it.

EmMiss I know that you've just given birth but your mother will listen to you. I want her to stay away until the issue with my magic is resolved. Tell her anything, I don't care what it is, just keep her away.

Filtered from Evil

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Wishing my powers would stabilize has a downside.

...You can read about your future but getting it in glorious stupid technicolor. I really do just do it all for the money huh?

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[Filtered to Belle]

Belle, honey, why are you talking to Regina? You know this never goes well. Ignore her.
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