War Is Coming Communications.

November 20th, 2012

November 20th, 2012

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Might need some time off, Clark was there for me when I needed him. Gotta do the same for him now.

[Storybrooke Ruby]
Headed to the hospital to be with Lois and Clark.


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Iam sososososoooooo sorry youhave no idea hw sory i am i wsa theworstr jerkeve rand idont no how ppl thaat know still talk too me orlik eme bcos i hat emyseelf fr it andi dnot deserve good thiing s and im sory ive beeeen ignoring u but i cant realy face u rite now cos i jusst cndat andi thnik about it eeeevvvvveeeeerrrrryyyy day sense thn and im sooooo sory and i juust dont even know rite now

No evil! No evil vampires, either.

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So, I know I'm not the most social person ever and a lot of new people have showed up and I haven't even said hi, so. Hi. I'm Chuck. AKA Jo's husband, AKA "that beardy dude with the laptop who kind of lurks in the Roadhouse, who even is that?" - yeah, that's me. Hey.

Basically I'm just throwing this out there 'cause I know Jo probably will otherwise and I figured it's kind of a good excuse to make an attempt at being social-ish... basically? There will be a ton of food at the Roadhouse for Thanksgiving. Probably enough that, if it was just us, we'd have leftovers until Christmas. Like, literally.

So, if you don't have plans, but you kind of want plans, even very loose plans that mostly just involve really large amounts of food, or you don't know the holiday but it sounds kind of awesome (because, being thankful + food, basically), feel free to swing by the Roadhouse after around 5pm Thursday. I think the turkey will be done around then. Turkeys, rather. There are multiples, 'cause I figured once I put this out there, one wouldn't be enough.

So. Yeah. Dinner starts at 5 if you want to eat with us and do the whole real Thanksgiving thing. After that, even if you had a dinner somewhere else but you kind of feel like leftovers, we'll have plenty for probably a couple days, at least, depending on how many people show up, so don't be afraid to pop in.

...Also the cranberry sauce is real cranberry sauce. I feel this is important to note. I don't mess around with the canned stuff, it's all wiggly and that isn't even sauce, why would they call it that? It's either Jello, or lies, and I make my own because that's the way to do it.

Um, yes. That is all.

Law enforcement filter

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Abby, got anything for us on that bullet?

Filtered to Bruce and Svetlana

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Have either of you seen or heard from Helena since last night?

Edit: Filtered to Public and Against Evil
Happy damn Thanksgiving to you as well Seal.

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Everyone is on board with the Thanksgiving plans, so you can expect us. Glinda is okay with Elphie being there, right?


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Нет, правда. Напомните мне еще раз, почему так важно установить связь с людьми. И говорят, что Дмитрий одобрил идею не ответ.

[No, really. Remind me again why it is important to make connections to people. And saying that Dmitri approved of the idea is not an answer.]

Filtered against evil

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...So that's it. All of my family is gone from this place.

Filtered against evil

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I'm considering going out of town during the holiday lull particularly since I don't have anyone to celebrate with. Does anyone have a vacation spot to recommend?

Filtered against evil.

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I've been doing a bit of reading up on this Thanksgiving thing which I'm sure Hermione'd be stupidly smug about and it says you lot are essentially celebrating a time in which you raided the land of Native Americans, drove them from their homes, and ate their turkeys. Or something.

That's all sort of barbaric, isn't it? Celebrating how thankful you are that you've stolen other peoples stuff?

Not that I'm complaining. There's a ton of food to eat. Just thought it was interesting is all.

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[Text to Clint]
Helena was sent home.


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Just a heads up but Bruce's friend Helena isn't here anymore. He might take the news...badly if you get my drift. Just be ready in case his anger at the Seal gets the best of him?


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You okay?

[Sam, Jules & Ruby]

Dunno if you guys saw or not - Mel's gone. Like, Seal-gone.

to Spike

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It looks like you have a spot reserved at our table for Thanksgiving.

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Every year around Thanksgiving is one of the times I really miss enjoying food.

Text to Mara

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Kriff I don't
She can't be
The Force

I...I don't know what to do Mara...


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Any hunts I can take on, this week? Really don't care what it is, at this point.


I'm not
You're probably going to like me even less, but I
I don't


You guys hanging in there okay? Need anything?

[Aunt Mara]

Want to come on a hunt with m
What are your thoughts on skipping the holiday and heading out to
I'm sorry I've been so

[Uncle Luke]

How do I
I don't w

When she was gone, did you ever stop feeling the absence?

[ooc: blank filtered posts can be blankposts or completely unsent, UP TO YOU!]
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