War Is Coming Communications.

December 26th, 2011

December 26th, 2011

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I just got your gift, that was really sweet of you however kinda creepy the laugh, you didn't have to do that! I kinda ran out of money before I could finish my shopping, but you're next up on the list of people who are getting late gifts, so I hope that's okay?

[Jason & Connor]
...I just got the weirdest box of candy ever. From Harley. To her "other bff." I told you guys! Now what do I do?!


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If I forgot one of your characters let me know. I am super tired and not thinking clearly.

Mary )

Allana )

Blue )


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Mel's Gifts! )

Jessica's Gifts! )

Ben's Gifts! )

Arya's Gifts! )

Rose W's Gifts! )

TK's Gifts! )

Darcy's Gifts! )

Kitty's Gifts! )

Nothing from Meg or Cindy in this whole thing!

Filtered to friends that are still around

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So...all those times when I attempted to understand the feeling of coming back here when people would show up that had been here before? Yeah, I had no idea what I was talking about. This is the best worst most interesting form of bittersweet I've ever had to swallow.

...also, uh, so...hi again. I hear it's only been a month for you guys. That's weird, too...for me, anyway.

Filtered to Freddie

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Bad ass! Thanks, man! You coming with when the season rolls around or what? This gift is ten times cooler now that I remember being a kid here, you have no idea.

Gifts from my lot. (All in one)

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Okaayyyy we learn I hate codeing. Also if I forget any gifts chalk it up to tired/christmas/tired and lemme know and I will fill in the appropriate blanks, you guys know who mine would buy for :)

Briege :)

Ruby )

Felicia )

Mimi )

Quinn )

Freddie )

Jacen )

Jaime )

Romana )

Harley )

Lexi )

MY PRESENTS ARE DONE AND HERE!!! (And I will go pass out now...)

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All the presents. All the presents ever! )

(And if I forgot anything, please blame me, not the kids, they're not the ones working insane shifts the last two weeks!)

No Bad Guys!

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So I know we're all coming down from our Christmas high, but would anyone be interested in anything for New Year's Eve? I was talking to Kon about a laser light show type thing which I can put together easily enough, but if anyone could get a hold of fireworks, it would basically be the coolest party around.

Also, that bauble thing is the best ever. This is...actually, I don't know what I'm going to call him yet. But he's BRILLIANT! And carefully worded wishes get you carefully constructed cages for happily chewing new pets. Perfect.

Jessica/Complex Doctor

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Hello, I was informed you were who I should talk to.

I was diagnosed with a brain tumor two years ago and then died in surgery before showing up here. I was wondering if there was anyway to see if it is gone, or if I will have to continue treatment.

Thank you.


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I do not understand why you decided to
You realize I never meant for Brittany to
Is this some way to

Thank you, you really did not have to get us anything.

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[Filtered against evil]

My offer still stands for those wishing to go for a little adventure on the high sea. We'll be leaving on the second of January, allowing for anyone wishing to partake in celebrations before then the time for that. There's plenty of room on my ship, so don't worry!


Is it safe for me to assume that they should be sharing a room? I can also lock them in it.


So an invitation, eh? I'll definitely be taking you up on that before I leave.

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Sooo...how much do you like me right now? I kind of need a tiny favor...

Thanks so much for the gift cards! ♥!

Filtered Against Evil

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I know that some people weren't all that sure about the baubles, but my wish worked, all of it. I'm an actual doctor now, with a certification and everything. So, there's a definite doctor at the complex again.

Remember, anyone can come to the complex and get medical care.

Also, I hope everyone had a great holiday!

Filtered against baddies

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So...I wished myself identification, a legit degree, a camera, and a portfolio, but...the portfolio is fake. None of those photos are ones that I took and that definitely needs to change. So...I've been thinking and since I just got a raise and I can TOTALLY afford it now! anybody want to make a few bucks modeling for me? I swear it won't be cheesy and I refuse to make you look like A&F ads, but...I wanna try a few new things I never got to try when I was in school still and I found this cool photo editing software online that I wanted to try out, too, so...yeah, I need people.


Thanks so much for the gift! Uh, and the raise! You're the best boss/friend ever, you know that J Moore? ♥


I really can't thank you enough. It never stops being awesome.


Sweeeet! You rock! Thanks so much, sweetie!

Filtered to those who gave gifts to me

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Thanks so much for all of the gifts! I hope that by this time next year, I will be better at Christmas and can return the lovely favors :)

[Rose W]
When can we start?! I want to learn these cookies; they're great! Also, I love the scarf, it's so colorful! It's perfect!

...I'm not sure how to work your gift...but I looked it up on the google and I can't wait to try it! Can you help me?

[Mr & Mrs. Solo]
You didn't have to do that...but this music box is beautiful. Daddy got my mother a music box that played this same tune when I was little...she used to sing it to my sisters and I at night before she died. I don't know if that was coincidental or intentional...but thank you so much for the piece of home. I don't think I could thank either of you enough.

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Lexi thinks I should talk to people on this. She always did encourage my journaling. Nothing much shows up on my end but I have nothing else to do.

[Filtered to Lexi and Elena]
What do I need to do to get out of this room?

[Filtered to Damon]
Based on your gift I'm to believe you're not drinking blood anymore?

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I wished yesterday for the ability to speak the Native language here. This is a strange place. Where I come from we don't have items that grant wishes. Only the Ginzuishou could achieve something like that.

I am looking for something specific. A tall, japanese man with medium length black hair. It won't be to hard to find him. He's dead.

Text to Connor

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Guess what I'm doing right now?

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This lighter is the shit, peaches, thanks!

It's a little scary how well you know me, you know that? Thanks for the gifts. I'm lovin' this watch and where did you find that hoodie? I don't think I have to point out my love for the Lucky Charms treats, either. You fuckin' rock.

filtered against baddies

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Club obscenely rich is a good club. I enjoy this club. A lot.

Thank you all for making this Christmas not actually suck. First ones away from home are always the hardest.

Sam helped me straighten things out with the Police department. At one point there was a threat to counter sue with proper evidence and they backed down. I've even got a couple weeks of paid time.
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