War Is Coming Communications.

November 27th, 2011

November 27th, 2011

Filtered to Terry

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Oh shit, son Hey man...is that...uh. Harley Quinn? Maybe? Also, are you all right? I half-watched that thing and then I decided that drunk comic book history isn't that funny and I should probably make sure you don't feel like fucking somebody's shit up or anything.

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Yesterday was the first day in months I had to convince myself using Mind Tricks for casual use was wrong.

...I just went out to get more coffee. Okay, so, fancy coffee but still. Two women tried to grab it out of my hands and one cried at me.

Text to Connor

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I just saw your face on tv.

Filtered to Connor

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Um, so...I think I just accidentally befriended Harley Quinn from Batman. ...and then I might have Googled her and now...I might be SHITTING MYSELF IN FEAR. Help?

Filtered Against Baddies and Whatever

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Jesus effing Christ, it took long enough to get a new computer.

So, know how I haven't been chatty like... at all over the last few weeks? Blame the oafish god that broke my laptop.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Suck it, Ron. You can't hide this thing from me forever. Jerk. You know I'm shortish and can't get the back of the top sh

Filtered from the bad types who'll use stuff against people

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You asked about what happens with Jason and why he wants to kill me so here ya go!

Also it explains allll the Robins! And why Bats is so sulky all the time

Sorry...gone, and stuff. My bad


Uh, people flipped out. But hah! Lookit!

Text to Clark

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Um..Jacen wants to talk to me or something so this is just incase I disappear soon you know where I was last.

filtered agianst baddies

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I found one coffee thing that is fairly good. Does this mean I will not be disowned by the family now?

Filtered to Rose

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He's not gay...he has a girlfriend. :(


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My dad wants to talk to you. I don't know either. He promises "it will be fine" and that there will be no Force lightning. I have no idea what brought this on but it doesn't seem to be a rage thing so...there's that.

I will make up an excuse if you say no, promise. Though if he actually does want to be conciliatory I would really like it if there were not constant splashes of drama between you two any more?

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Sorry about going MIA for a while there. I had to get away from all the cheery shi Holidays aren't the same any mo But hey, at least I left a note.

Filtered Against Evil

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Well, that was lovely, wasn't it? A holiday without alien invasions. I'd almost forgotten what those felt like. Mind you, all the running does help build up an appetite, but we seemed to manage just fine without it.


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Really, you hid her laptop?

If you need a place to crash for that, my couch is open. I'd prefer you didn't get yourself killed or some rubbish like that for being a git.

Text to Dean

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There's this movie on called Ruby's Buckets of Blood.

..I vote we change it's name.
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