War Is Coming Communications.

September 14th, 2011

September 14th, 2011

Filtered to Tony Stark

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I have officially just been thrown for a loop in the worst way. Long story, one I won't tell.

That's why me and my bottle of tequila would like to come round. I think by now you get that I don't expect anything from you beyond the reputation. I could just really do with not being on my own tonight.

Filtered against all the baddies

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I'm not sure that I fully understand what's going on still, but...

Right. Been here a few days now. I figure freaking out alone in my room probably isn't helping anything.

So, I'm Tyler Simms. Another one, I guess, whatever that means.

And Kitty? Thanks for, well, everything.


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Are you oka
That's stupid of course you're not
What do I

Do you need anything?

filtered agianst baddies

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how did i get to the complex? i dont remember getting myself here.

im confused, and i think my leg is bleeding.

[ooc: Dean dropped her off at the medbay all sedated the other night.]

Texts to Sam Winchester

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✉ I've got that info for you.
✉ Come by the Roadhouse, too much to text.

Filtered to Mr Lupin

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How're you doing?

For next month we can work out something easier for you, but do you need anything?

Text to Sam

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»Woke up and you weren't here? Where are you?
»Texting takes too long and Martha's glaring at me
»Love you

filtered against baddies.

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So, I just got my Pottermore email. Not entirely sure how to feel about this.

Least I got Gryffindor again.

[ooc: And I'm still waiting for mine. /raaaage]
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