War Is Coming Communications.

June 28th, 2011

June 28th, 2011

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As Jacen pointed out we have many new faces. So here's a handy list of things that the complex offers. Even if you decide the complex is not a place you want to stay you may still attend classes. They aren't mandatory but they are highly recommended.

Self Defense with me or Felcicia I'm military combat trained as well as having two years of experience in this world.

Specialty Weapons with Sarah Connor.

Demons/Demon tricks 101 with Ruby

If any of you feel like you have something to offer, please feel free to speak up. We used to have more classes but it seems like we've lost the teachers.

Handy tips for newcomers.

Rock salt and holy water are your best friends. Don't go out without your amulet, there are also places that will tattoo it on you for a more permanent fix.

There has been a lot of talk of leadership. I think it's time we do something about it. Starting with a vote. Yes leader, no leader. Give me your reasons why. This won't be a decision made by me, it'll be based off of everything you guys tell me and how you guys feel.

this is an important poll
A)Yes I want a leader or several leaders to help organize things around the complex.
B)Hey you kids, get off my lawn
C)No, leave it the way it is!
D)Other option goes heres

We've also lost Hardison, so looks like security room is all you and Victor. If you want a third feel free to pick one, otherwise good luck with that.

This is usually the part where I'd ask how you're doing, but the evidence points to stressing. So I'll skip that part and go straight to the important bit where we should hang out. I haven't seen you in a while.

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Might be going on a little trip soon. Actually, several of them. Road trips. Thinking of places with very beautiful landscapes like a good spot to have a wedding, nice backgrounds means good pictures and memories that me and Prue can drive through. Grand Canyon is definitely one of them. Open to suggestions of any other good places in this country, as well as around Kansas. Oh! Maybe.. San Francisco, Prue and her family was from there too, or maybe Chicago, Vegas, New York..

So, what do you think? Maybe we can head out in a week or two? Hoping to find a good place for us to have a ceremony at. Somewhere beautiful. You lived in San Francisco, right? Maybe they have a nice park in this world's version. Or maybe a spot with the Golden Gate bridge in the background. But really, I think it will just be fun driving to all the nice places in America. Also, completely your choice and I don't mind either way.. will it be just us? Or can Piper come along too if she'd like to? I'm down with whichever.

filtered against baddies.

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So I'm putting this out there, I'm looking for a sparring partner. I don't do this often, since you know..virtually indestructible. Unfair advantage, won't fight someone without super powers for obvious reason with a thing like this, the list goes on. But It's come to my attention that there are a couple others with similar power. If you are one such super powered type and are in need of a friendly sparring match, let me know?


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Thor's in a "foul mood," his words, so not mine, and he's all angry and grumpy and shit. So. Question. Got any tips for how to cheer him up/calm him down? I'm heading over to his place and all and I figured since you're his brother you might know. Yeah, I realize you might know but might not be willing to tell.

But here's the thing. I know you're all trickstery and shit cause I know the myths and everything (I used to be a huge nerd, sue me), I've seen your movie. So no funny business here. I'm not doing anything that sounds off. We'll save pranks on Thor for some other day.

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I've located Elphie. I'm going after her.

[Text to Thor]

The tracking spell worked. I just need a way to get to [Elphie's location] before she disappears again.

Filtered Against Evil

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Elphaba has been found and is herself again. She's not a threat.

[Damon and Caroline]

I'm going to stay at Elphie's until she's okay and willing to talk to people again.

Filtered against baddies.

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I may be able to defy the laws of gravity and move faster than the average person, but even I can't save everyone.

Days like these are my least favorite.

I hate being too late.

Text to Dean

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filtered from baddies

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Currently looking for a drummer, but I'll settle on anyone who has a good sense of rhythm and likes to hit things. Anyone?

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So, here's the thing.

Ever have one of those days?

I think I've had five cups of coffee. May explode. I really really need a hobby. I think I'm officially giving up on plan cooking. So what else do people do for fun in Kansas?

Jo )

Jules )

Sam )

Jess M )

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