War Is Coming Communications.

March 25th, 2011

March 25th, 2011

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Who the fuck is Paris Hilton and why does she have my current face.

Thats it, I need a new one. I don't care if it...

Filtered from baddies.

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You know, there's upside to being fictional in this place. I was looking to order another jacket like my old one and people apparently replicate them. Kinda weird, but handy.

Oh thanks. I hate love dogs. But no more breaking into each others rooms.

Unless there's another skunk, of course, since you'll get another skunk.

Mailed to Sam Winchester at his house. Yes, his new house that almost no one knows he has yet

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The DVD contains a home movie taken with a point and click camera, hand-held and shaky. It's labeled 2005 )

[[The package has no return address but if Sam manages to trace it he'll find out it was mailed from Palo Alto California. It has the fingerprints of a missing woman from Nevada all over it and a few of Brady's. The video was one Brady claimed he'd accidentally deleted from his camera before he could show it to Sam or Jess.]]

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Some guy took my purse last night. I've got this stupid ugly bruise on my forehead and I'm pretty sure my coat is going to need dry-cleaning from all of the pie on it. This is not right. Mugged in Kansas? What the

Text to Jen!

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Where are you?

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So, I've thought a lot lately and instead of getting one of you to watch Beth while I give classes I'm gonna find a nursery. She deserves to be with kids more than she is, she needs to learn to socialise properly.

Its the best thing I can do for her.

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Seriously, you'd think the range would take better care of the rental guns...

Clip jammed after three shots.

And the sight's off too.  Would have better aim with a throwing knife than the .45 I was using. 

Filtered against baddies.

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An unexpected hunt dropped into my lap.

I'm gonna be gone for a couple days. If anyone needs me, your best bet is to leave a message on my cell.

[ooc: Not too long after Sam got Brady's present. For now, he's keeping it hidden. I can't promise it'll be too long before he starts roaring about it at someone though.]

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What is the best way to shoot yourself in the face?
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