War Is Coming Communications.

June 1st, 2010

June 1st, 2010

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RIGHT. Enough of this being sober cause poking fun at Ron isn't fun anymore. THE BLOODY GIT!. BOTTOMS UP!

Filtered to Martha

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I need the strongest uppers you can get your hands on. I don't have much cash on me right now but I'll give you as much as I can afford from however many paychecks you want. I know it's an odd request, and I'll explain if you want, but I really, really need them.

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Happy New YeRS1!

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ITS 20 10 NOW

CLrk i have the blu k

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ZanDr iz grat big LYaR doofas. i wis h fr vengans.

Thnx Spke fur alcol.

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Happy New Years, everyone!! Now to think of a good resolution

There's extra ice cream in the kitchen freezer, just bought it from work last night. Got some cookies and donuts too. :)

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makke it stop ples

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A new year's celebration is actually something I'm used to even though most worlds never celebrated at the same time... but here there's just the one so that doesn't even matter.

It's interesting. It's also interesting and sort of amusing how many holidays you guys celebrate with alcohol and insanity.

So, what kind of drinks are any good, here, anyway?

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Watching the ball drop in Times Square on television is such a let down.

filtered against those with bad intentions

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I feel the need for tag. Rooftop tag, maybe powers in. Is there a way to pull that off safely?

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It always amazes me, that even when cops are out in full swarm, how much they manage to miss.

Text to Ruby.

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Are you insane?

Filtered to Dawn

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Gonna play rooftop tag with us?

Filtered to: Ruby

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The bottle you gave me; what is it callled? I wish to procure more. It was not entirely upnleasant

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Arthur, I think we should use that gift card I got you for Christmas and go riding soon.
I looked up more on healing magic in the shop today. Some of it seemed kind of silly, but there are a lot of books. The shop was mostly empty though so I had plenty of time. I was the only one working too because everyone was hung over for some reason. I can heal a paper cut for sure, but wasn't about to try for anything more serious.

Oh! Sora, I met someone who knew you and said you fought shadows with a dog and a duck? Your friend Riku too, and something about how you met people from the Disney movies I like. Like a game I could buy? Why were you fighting shadows?

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There's not enough alcohol in the world right now...
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