War Is Coming Communications.

July 21st, 2009

July 21st, 2009

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what the bloody hell/1111111 opening night1111111 bloody ever lasting ..There. Now I can yell at the lot of you better. OPENING BLOODY NIGHT! MY BAND was JUST ABOUT TO OPEN FOR THE WEIRD SISTERS! THE BLOODY WEIRD FUCKING SISTERS! And WHAT happens? What the fucking shitting hell happens? I get SUCKED to some TOWN I've never even heard of. Lawrence Bloody Kansas. Not even that close to Graceland! Sure it's the home of that muggle superhero Kent or what's his name that Teddy keeps talking about. Superman? What kind of bloody name is that He is still no Elvis. What the shitting hell! Godric. And there's a family dinner this weekend. I don't care what dad says. Any woman who can kick Bellatrix Lestrange's arse is a woman to fear. You lot can tell my Nana why her grandson couldn't make dinner. You can go right ahead and tell my mum too. And my aunt 'Mione. And my aunt Fleur. In fact, go right ahead and tell the lot of them.

Oh .. and someone want to tell me where I can find a Sam Winchester? Some fellow told me this is where everybody was meeting. And he was the bloke to go to for getting back home. Hope so. Because got dinner with great-aunt Petunia the week after and that woman's almost as bad as

My manners. Almost forgot them. James Sirius Potter. At your service. Sorry about the bit of ranting not really. Bloody fucking hell. Almost sat on MY GUITAR. MY GUITAR. DO YOU KNOW WH I do autographs. Even on the skin.

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Veronica, the case we were working wasn't werewolf related. I've evaluated the bodies and compared lunar cycles and have reached the conclusion that it's definitely not within the realm of possibility. There are others, however, ranging from demons looking to have a good time to angry spirits to wild animals. Not easy to sort through, even if I'm automatically gunning for the demons. They're the obvious target.

I'd like to remind everyone to keep your rock salt lines secure, your protection amulets on person at all times, to carry holy water, and to travel in pairs.

In addition to that? I've decided that having us all spread out isn't the best of ideas. If there's any way we can financially secure a place to call our own - somewhere big enough to hold everyone - then I suggest we do it as soon as possible. That way we can set up permanent protections to keep you all as safe as possible, not to mention automatically ensure you new arrivals a place to stay and people around to help out if things should turn sour. If anyone has any suggestions in relation to this, please don't hesitate to respond with them here so we can all discuss this in detail. Because all I have are credit cards and they are not in my name.

And no - I'm not suggesting that you absolutely have to be involved with this. The nature of creating a place for people to go to if they need it will be for that reason and that reason alone. Some people will feel more safe and secure in a location with more people around and a sturdy line of protection to boot. If you feel that this is not something that is for you, by all means feel free to do what you will, so long as you make sure to keep yourselves safe.

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It's official... I miss Cardiff.

I'm aware my accent doesn't make me sound like I'm from over there. Long story. But bloody hell, I miss it. The feeling of the city. Everything. For a long time, I thought my luck couldn't get much worse being stuck in Wales.

I was wrong. The middle of the plains in the United States is much worse. So much worse.

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What's the term I sometimes hear muggles use?


filtered; James, Ron, Rose

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Hey Uncle Ron! So since you refuse to listen to Rose, me and James are going to give this a go. My name is Lily Luna Potter, my parents are Harry and Ginny Potter and my older brother is James Sirus Potter (there's also Al but he's not here right now). I am not insane. Nor am I a Death Eater. Neither is Rose.

Any questions?

Oh, I also volunteered us to see what kind of magic we could get working as far as helping out with this safehouse idea goes, so if you can sort this future child and niece and nephew thing out in your head quickly that would be brilliant.

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Well that wasn't too difficult. I decided to stay around here until I figure things out. If anyone is interested in anthropological studies at the University of Kansas, I'll be one of your teachers for the subject.

Text to Booth )

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Gotta say, I'm impressed, you're all taking my and Sam's advice pretty well after a few hiccups. Just don't get complacent, something's coming.

Lets be ready when it does cause I'm not a babysitter. Not me and not Sam. Wouldn't want to speak for Dean obviously, he'd sulk, and funny as that is to watch I'd have to deal with it..

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I figured there were too many new people around for me to say this individually to, so I thought I'd make a general comment here instead. For those who don't know me yet, I'm Martha Jones and I'm a doctor. So if any of you have been injured or feel any aftereffects from the transportation, be it physical or psychological, then let me know and I'll do what I can to help you out. I'm a military doctor with a specialty in xenobiology, so believe me, there's nothing I haven't seen before. If you need it, I can help.

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Okay, okay! I turned the TV down! There's no need to bang on the walls!
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