War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


July 24th, 2009

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How's everyone doing today? Anything I can help you with?

[Filtered to Buffy and Andrew]
I need to talk to you guys about something important.

July 21st, 2009

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What's the term I sometimes hear muggles use?


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Veronica, the case we were working wasn't werewolf related. I've evaluated the bodies and compared lunar cycles and have reached the conclusion that it's definitely not within the realm of possibility. There are others, however, ranging from demons looking to have a good time to angry spirits to wild animals. Not easy to sort through, even if I'm automatically gunning for the demons. They're the obvious target.

I'd like to remind everyone to keep your rock salt lines secure, your protection amulets on person at all times, to carry holy water, and to travel in pairs.

In addition to that? I've decided that having us all spread out isn't the best of ideas. If there's any way we can financially secure a place to call our own - somewhere big enough to hold everyone - then I suggest we do it as soon as possible. That way we can set up permanent protections to keep you all as safe as possible, not to mention automatically ensure you new arrivals a place to stay and people around to help out if things should turn sour. If anyone has any suggestions in relation to this, please don't hesitate to respond with them here so we can all discuss this in detail. Because all I have are credit cards and they are not in my name.

And no - I'm not suggesting that you absolutely have to be involved with this. The nature of creating a place for people to go to if they need it will be for that reason and that reason alone. Some people will feel more safe and secure in a location with more people around and a sturdy line of protection to boot. If you feel that this is not something that is for you, by all means feel free to do what you will, so long as you make sure to keep yourselves safe.

July 19th, 2009

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Sam. )

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Things are just getting worse around here. I read about some man getting mauled about 200 yard away from where I'm staying. There has to be something we all can do to prevent these things from happening.

I know not everyone can be saved, but come on...

July 12th, 2009

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Premade Devil's Traps. They've been printed onto rugs. I'm willing to distribute one per person, so if you'd like one feel free to drop by my motel.

I'd also like to strongly suggest that you all remember not to go out alone. A man was found murdered in a park yesterday evening and, from what I can tell, the responsible party is definitely a demon. Demon 101 tip: sulfur. You'll know a demon has been around when you find sulfur.

Because it's looking more and more like we're going to be needing help when - because it's obvious at this point that it eventually will - things get worse, I'm gonna ask all of you who want to help out to tell me how you might be able to. I'm not willing to put someone inexperienced or incapable out in the line of fire, so clearing up those details and helping me figure out where we might be able to make you most useful would be very helpful.

July 10th, 2009

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I know I suck for not taking this demon thing as seriously as I should, but I need help!

Don't freak out, Veronica. She looks like you...she's not actually you.

July 11th, 2009

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More of those demon things. Telekinisis confuses them when the one using it isn't a demon. And holy water gets rid of them.

They seemed like they weren't going for the kill though, so gotta ask you natives. Is there a plan to deal with them beyond what we're doing?

Also. They made me drop a car part I needed, Kriffing demons.  I paid good money for that. Martha's good money.

June 27th, 2009

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This whole thing has got me thinking, maybe Neptune was just overrun with a bunch of demons. Would make a lot of things make a whole hell of a lot more sense.

Anyone know a good place to get a drink around here?

June 25th, 2009

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All right, guys. When are you all available? I think it's time you all saw what a real demon looked like.

That means Ruby. Which also means that if you are to show up for this meeting, it his highly advised that you do not A) throw holy water B) practice any exorcisms or C) piss her off. Otherwise bad things will probably happen to you and no one really wants that. I think.

June 22nd, 2009

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Tell me.

What do you all know about demons?

[ooc: Written post the demon thread!]

June 20th, 2009

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I would say Toto I don't think we're in Kansas anymore but the flaw of that statement is glaringly obvious.

Question. How the hell did I get to Kansas?

June 13th, 2009

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Okay, so I have looked around a bit, and apparently people are introducing themselves. And settling down like nothing is wrong with this situation.

I'm Veronica Mars, I'm from Neptune, California. I wouldn't put it past anyone to have thought the planet with what I heard. And it was 2006 there. I'm eighteen years old and I like the South Park Movie and powdery macaroni and cheese. I just graduated high school like...two days ago. And was almost murdered by a rapist/killer.

I'm confused as to how this all even happened, but here I am, anyhow. Now I really wish dad would have gotten me a pony as a graduation present.

And I'm trying really hard not to make a Wizard of Oz joke right now. That's more Lamb's thing anyway.

So I guess it's nice to meet everyone and yeah...that's about it for now.
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