War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



February 2nd, 2015

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Who: The Doctor (10) and Martha Jones
What: Coffee Pastries and BFFs
When: Mid-December
Where: The TARDIS Control Room
Warnings: None
Status: In progress (Will be updated)

His current life, was filled with a strange sense of contentment, although less running. And he really did enjoy the running, the adventure. )

December 8th, 2014

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Who: Abby & Martha
What: Meeting new people
Where: Local gym
When: Thursday October 30th (backdated)
Rating/Status: Low | Complete

Sometimes you just needed to punch something )

June 15th, 2014

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Who: Tony and Martha
Where: Some little French restaurant
What: Dinner!
When: ...dinner time

And Martha, who he knew he'd never be able to properly thank )

January 6th, 2014

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WHO: Martha Jones and Tony DiNozzo
WHAT: He's back from hell, she's told him she loves him, talking is a thing that needs to happen!
WHEN: After his comm post.
WHERE: A cinema.
STATUS: In Progress

Still want me to pinch you? )

January 4th, 2014

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WHAT: Mission: Rescue Hellbound
WHEN: Tonight- sunset.
WHERE: Cemetery of Doom
RATING: who the hell knows?!
STATUS: Possibly exploding!

This be the post for reactions post Hell.

For those who haven't read it yet THIS is what happens in the cemetery for the ritual to get people back.

For those in the Cage, THIS is what Hell has been like for you!

I shall now do a couple of subheadings for things, lemme know if you think we need another one (comment on my OOC post about the ritual to keep things neat!) Go forth and enjoy!

October 10th, 2013

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Who: Belle French, Martha Jones
What: Books are actual lifesavers
Where: Medbay at the Complex
When: Just after the explosion
Rating: Gory bloody bits of person
Status: Complete I guess since Marthas response would be mostly 'omgmyinsides' right now. Unless Hannah wants to do a 'omgmyinsides

September 29th, 2013

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Who: Tony and Mattha
Where: Tonys place
When: Backdated to when Luci was a douche and told Tony Kate didn't make it to heaven
What: Cuteness and feels?

Read more... )

March 17th, 2013

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WHO: Martha Jones and Tony DiNozzo
WHAT: Tony visits the TARDIS, let's see if he makes her swoon!
WHEN: Sunday afternoon.
RATING: TBD, but there will almost definitely be flirting type things at least!
STATUS: In progress

She grinned as she saw Tony approaching )

December 29th, 2012

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Who: Guy of Gisborne and Martha Jones
What: The TALK
Where: A bar near Epiphany's
When: 29th December, Evening
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

December 15th, 2012

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Who: Jack and Martha
What: Dealing with things :(
Where: Martha's place
When: Early evening
Rating: I'd say low but also Jack is in it?
Status: In progress

November 13th, 2012

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Who: Marguerite and Percy Blakeney, Martha Jones and NPC!Director
What: Apparently while some just have a bad cold, others get pneumonia from being 220 years behind the evolution of the immune system/cold virus mutations
When: Evening of 13 November 2012
Where: Local theatre to the medbay
Warnings: Should be none~
Status: GDoc/Thread | Incomplete

that's what is expected when you are infected )

October 22nd, 2012

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Who:John Watson and Martha Jones
What:John goes to see a doctor.
When:Tonight-late shift
Where:Complex medbay

A life without emotion had to be better then being torn to shreds by it )

October 10th, 2011

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Who: Martha Jones, Simon Tam
What: Medbay Chitchat
When: Afternoon of the 10th
Where: Complex Medbay
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

November 18th, 2010

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Who: Jo Harvelle, Ruby Winchester, Martha Jones
Where: Camp Chitaqua
When: After Ruby finds Jo and Martha shows up
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

when a heart breaks, it don't break even )

September 30th, 2010

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Who: Martha Jones and Dean Winchester
What: Dean is called to the Medical Clinic for a physical with... interesting outcomes.
When: backdated to before the meeting with Gwen
Where: Complex Medical Clinic
Why: Because it REALLY seemed like a good idea on AIM and plots need to start somewhere.
Status: Closed, incomplete

Now Dean was back from the dead - which was something she noticed seemed to happen a lot... just not like this )

August 13th, 2010

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Who: Marian, Robin and Martha
What: First scan time!
Where: Med bay in the complex
When: 11th February, just after lunch
Rating: TBD, probably not too high
Status: Incomplete

July 29th, 2010

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Who: Martha and Sam
What: Medical consultations of the overnight variety and stories are FINALLY told.
When: Backdated to July 28th, Evening
Where: Sam's motel room
Why: Because medical supervision she feels is a good idea and being alone is not at least not on the first night.
Status: Closed, incomplete.

It wouldn't hurt to have one more person in his court... )

June 24th, 2010

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Who: All involved in the attack on the Immortality Gate
What: Restoring Humanity
Where: A field outside Lawrence (no SPN Fans, not that field. That would be silly :p)
When: 23rd January - Afternoon
Rating : TBD
Status: In Progress

[ooc: Annnd finally. Sorry this took so long guys, crazy few days. I would suggest as usual that subthreads are the way to go. The combat lot split into as many teams as Cara thinks, Romana's Tech squad if someone wants to subthread that for us and Anne Amazing will be puppeting the Masters into things. The combat squad can do what they can to huge groups of them, consider them bad guys for those purposes but there are humans underneath. :) Who yes, will wake up very confused about all this till heaven does something wacky to fix it :p And they will :D Have fun guys, and post this thread assume all is back to normal

June 17th, 2010

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Who: Martha and the Master
What: Taunting and antagonizing XD
When: Now!
Where: Somewhere in Lawrence
Warnings: Language, possibly violence of some sort and general evilness

The plan had worked, he was himself again and damn did it feel good )

June 16th, 2010

New Years backdate!

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Who: Martha Jones and The Doctor
What: A meetin - close to the first
When: Backdated to December 31st - January 1st
Where: A park not far from the complex.
Why: Because people celebrate New Years in many ways. Martha found the park.
Status: Closed, incomplete

she wanted something familiar tonight. )
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