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Aug. 10th, 2012



I think most of us are aware Fi and Sean are back in the game. Fi is back on the mod team, and this weekend is a time for the mods to get together and work things out to ensure that the game runs smoothly and efficiently and lasts a good long time!

In game, we have the ongoing issue of electing leadership. Daryl has a post here where any one can either self nominate, or nominate anyone else for any kind of leadership role.

The post will be locked down on Wednesday, August 15, 2012. Once we have all the noms in place, the mods will evaluate and analyse the noms and determine the best and most efficient way to proceed. We will keep players informed, as we make decisions. The plan is for the leadership roles to be determined through in game events, and we all want this to run smoothly and fairly, so it's not something we want to rush.

If you have a character who wants to assume a leadership role, please reply to Daryl's post no later than Wednesday. Once the post is locked down, we will be analysing the noms and because it is a huge thing, we won't be accepting any late noms.

As always, we are open to ideas, constructive crit, and suggestions. Any and all concerns will be shared and discussed by all mods. You can contact us all via the mod drop box, which is here, comments are screened over there.


Um...if we had a thread together before and you'd like to finish it, please link?



Sorry for the brief absence folks, a lot has been going on real life and I've been so caught up with everything I feel so behind on everything, anyone would like to fill me in? That way I can try to get back on my rping feet again.

Aug. 9th, 2012


So this is GW, bringing in three more. First, Sam Goode, from the I am Number Four movie. He's 16, a little odd, and has begin a life of running and fighting aliens. Needless to say, he will not think fighting zombies is an upgrade.

Second, I have Dwight McCarthy, from the Sin City movies and manga. He'll be coming in from the end of the stories and think this Zombie nonsense is entirely crazy. He'll be looking for the beer fairly quickly.

And third, I have Vance Astrovik, also called Justice, a superhero and a teacher. He will think mostly that this is just like this life to drop him here.

As always, my pups are here for plots!


Misha here.

I'm taking over Harry Dresden's daughter Maggie, Fi offered me her journal and so I'm picking up right where she left off.

I'm also bringing in this guy, Dr James Wilson from House MD. Because House needs his BFF. So, yes. Wilson. He's from somewhere vaguely in S3, I think. I stopped watching somewhere along the way, and he's coming in before that point.

I also recently brought in James Cobb, from Inception. He's a wee little laddie in the film, something like 3 years. He's 17 now, and faced by Hayden Christiansen.



Soooo Fi and Sean are back, all the characters are in tow, but Lara.

I know there are some death, so meet Anna, an angel, who can, dun dun dun, bring people back to life, she will fix the ones who have died, this weekend, so give the characters a few days to grieve if they want too. However after that, since it's three people, right? Her powers will start to fade or she will thing they are, she'll be able to do little things, but no more raising the dead or fixing the zombies, that way the game can press on.

The others who were not killed are just going to play on as if they never left.

If by chance you have something to say or you want to address to me or any questions, this post is screened.

I gave a long speech in the blast, I could copy and paste, but come on people, lets move on and get the game rocking.

PSA: If I or Sean have offended anyone, we would like to make amends, but we are not able to if we do not know, so please tell us.


Stop the killing! No more killing, for purposes of plot and such!

Thank you!

Retcon: Emily Fields is NOT dead.

Aug. 8th, 2012


Whoops. Accidentally posted in the mod journal.

I think a lot of you know by now that Fi and Sean have left the game. I am deeply saddened by their decision, but I accept my role in it. I'm not going to go into it here, but I am willing to speak with anyone who has questions and/or concerns.

That said, we have to deal with the fall out from losing several characters at once. Because there are so many of them, I'm going to go ahead and list them all. Other characters can begin to notice they are missing at any time.

Removed Characters )

If you feel you need to drop a character in response to the recent drops, please use the drop form, located Here. Thank you, and thank you most of all for being here and playing and being part of the game!

I've made sure the dropped characters were removed from the taken list as well as the comms. I also removed tags, since I use tags to track points I don't want to have extra tags.

Please check to make sure your characters were not accidentally removed from taken, tags, or any of the communities. If you notice a character has been removed, please let me know. Reply here or use the maintenance post in the mod journal. Thanks guys!

Aug. 7th, 2012


Hey Lindsay here with my character Kristina Snow, she is from the novel Glass by Ellen Hopkins. Kristina has split personality disorder along with being addicted to meth. Meth is what she calls "her monster, or the monster" and Bree is her other personality. Bree was originally created for confidence and then well things went south. So I am always online, and always up for plotting, and playing!

You can email me
Or aim: Lindsay Elliott


dropping the following characters due to loss of sl partners

abigail whistler
kono kalakaua
sookie stackhouse
eve corvin
sydney sage


Mos Post, Read and Reply (Mandatory!)

As stated the other day in the OOC, Daryl has posted to try and establish some kind of order/chain of command/whatever you want to call it, because clearly something has to be done to get everyone on the same page.

Daryl's post is here and I would like everyone to take a moment and seriously consider responding.

This is a mandatory mod post. Read and Reply. )

Aug. 6th, 2012


This is Grave. Some of you may recognize him from previous games as the coffin-dragging, zombie-killing, apocalypse-unleashing, really bad at dying fallen angel of Death Trance...well, not fame, exactly, but he does really well in dystopic/horror games, so here he is. Whatever kills him makes him stronger, so vampires, mad scientists, demons, and doctors who want to experiment on non-human blood, do your worst. Just beware that he bites back!


I totally failed to follow through after I killed off The Man. Anyone want to say The Boy has been staying with them, since his papa died a couple weeks ago? He's 10, and quiet and doesn't eat much. His spelling is atrocious, but he's a fairly polite speaker!


So, late last night, early this morning, Bruce Hulked out for the first time since arriving. There was destruction and there is an entire arena looking the worse for wear out in the city. Most of the real destruction went on early to late this morning.


hello, darlings. Alison here.

Those of you who know me knew it was only a matter of time, but I've now brought the lovely and much misunderstood David into the game. For those who might not know, he's from The Lost Boys, just after the end of the film (I've used a little poetic license although if you read the comic books you'd know that him surviving the film is actually canon, hurrah!) and he's a vampire. He's one of those vampires who can't go out in sunlight, or he bursts into flame. On the other hand, though, he can fly so it's not all bad.

He loves his Triumph motorbike - possibly even more than flying - and woe betide anyone who so much as breathes on it. He's very much late '80s in his style since... well, that's where he's arrived from. When he Vamps out, his baby blue eyes turn yellow/gold and red, his brow and cheek ridges become more pronounced, and he gets fangs. But he never EVER sparkles. Like... EVER!

Oh, and he's not vegetarian and likes his food on tap, as it were. So he might need a bit of convincing not to eat the locals... and we're not talking zombies here. The boy has a discerning palate.

Any plannings, plottings and other stuff, let me know. black.narcissus[at]gmail[dot]com or snakebittenraven on AIM.

Aug. 5th, 2012


Mod Post, Please Read

Wow. The game is really thriving, and I appreciate every one of you that is a part of it! Players are what make or break a game, and this one has far exceeded my wildest hopes when I decided to do it.

But, there are a couple things that need to be addressed. The main thing is leadership roles. We have a security patrol in place, we have organised supply runs and medical and kitchen duties. We have posts where people have offered to utilise their skills by training others in a variety of self defense methods. What we don't have is a clear hierarchy of command.

[Edited to add: Teaser: We're going to need clear leadership for an upcoming plot, so yeah. This is happening at a good time!]

I'm the first to admit, I slept through government classes. I know what the president does, and how we have a system of checks and balances in place so that one person doesn't have all the power. But beyond that? I really don't know the difference in the different seats and titles and such. What I do know is there is a strong need for clearly named and recognised leaders within this game.

So, we are going to set up some kind of council. The timing is bad, because of my school year starting tomorrow (I had my preplanning week last week, the kids start bright and early in the morning, which means I will be EXHAUSTED this whole week, more so than last week). But, we'll work around it.

Daryl has no interest in being said leader, but I feel he's the best choice to try and set something up, because he organised the first supply run, and he has set up, scheduled, and maintained the patrol around the hotel. All he's going to to is bring forth the need for council, and the suggestion that the people pick their own leaders. He is not assuming any leadership role (as I said, and I think he's said in game along the way, he does not want to be a leader at all).

I want to do this as fairly as possible. Many of our characters have military backgrounds, some might have government backgrounds. Some may want to come forth, some may want to shrink back no matter their qualifications. I'm not sure yet what's the best way to go about doing this, I'm going to think on it tonight and tomorrow, and hopefully get something going tomorrow evening, if I'm at all conscious. But this week, surely.

Please be patient while we work this out. Please don't take anything personal. Please consider all angles, all facts. Please be respectful of each other both IC and OOC. I'm the first to admit, I don't know the fandoms for half the characters, maybe even more. I don't know what Character A is capable of, or how Character B would react in any given situation. Sometimes that's a real hindrance as a mod, but what can you do? I can't read and watch every fandom that crops up, no one can. But we can be respectful of each other and the characters we don't "know". Along this line, please refrain from telling other characters to 'leave', when opinions vary. I know for me as a player, that makes me feel unwanted.

I'm open to thoughts, constructive crits, and suggestions. I'm screening comments, so feel free to speak your mind. I'm also available by email or IM.


I would like to apologize to everyone for being so slow this week. School is starting back in our area and where I work in the fitting room at one of our local clothing stores I have been working longer hours than usual. Once this week comes to a close I should be back to my normal schedule though.


Sait again, with the last of her muse trio, Enigma.

For those unfamiliar, Enigma is Edward Nigma (The Riddler)'s teenage daughter. She, much like her father, enjoy violence, riddles...oh, and is utterly insane.

She's also a flirt. A HUGE flirt.


Last day for shopping! (It says Aug 4, but I never posted a closing warning, so you get one more day!)

Click here to visit the store. New characters have 100 points to spend, if they so choose, even if they're not on the taken page yet.

Shopping will close when I go to bed tonight, which will be around 11pm EST.

Aug. 4th, 2012


*waves* Hello all, my name is Saitaina (Sait for short) and I will be bringing you Doctor Jonathan Crane (Batman - All Media) and Robert Fischer Jr (Inception).

I eagerly look forward to playing with you all!

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