Aug. 9th, 2012


So this is GW, bringing in three more. First, Sam Goode, from the I am Number Four movie. He's 16, a little odd, and has begin a life of running and fighting aliens. Needless to say, he will not think fighting zombies is an upgrade.

Second, I have Dwight McCarthy, from the Sin City movies and manga. He'll be coming in from the end of the stories and think this Zombie nonsense is entirely crazy. He'll be looking for the beer fairly quickly.

And third, I have Vance Astrovik, also called Justice, a superhero and a teacher. He will think mostly that this is just like this life to drop him here.

As always, my pups are here for plots!

Aug. 6th, 2012


So, late last night, early this morning, Bruce Hulked out for the first time since arriving. There was destruction and there is an entire arena looking the worse for wear out in the city. Most of the real destruction went on early to late this morning.

Jun. 29th, 2012


So, after an unplanned hiatus due to internet issues, I, GW, am back! Any scenes, threads, or tags awaiting me, please let me know! I will try to clear out my inbox today!