Aug. 13th, 2012


Yes, so... This is George. I helped enable Misha to bring in a Mitchell, so... I thought it was my civic duty to bring in George. Because really, what is a Mitchell without a George? It's a Sad Mitchell that's what it is. You almost HAVE to have a George with a Mitchell, and the other way around.

*Ahem* I'm rambling. Maybe George wasn't a good idea after all. Oh well, he's here. SO... He'll be around to ramble on about how unsanitary it is to be in a world full of zombies here in a bit.

Oh and he's George Sands, Werewolf. From the BBCs version (LIKE THE BEST VERSION) of Being Human. And I'm Amy :D. <3

Jun. 29th, 2012


Howdie Yall. Some of you know me from other games, some of ya don't. I'm Amy, also known as Amy C or Amy 2 in some places I'm actually surprised I'm the first one here this time. Er... Anyway. Onto my kidlets. In three run-on paragraphs! Under cuts because it's long!
Marian )
X-23 )
Gibbs )

I am up for plots! Happy, sad, bouncy plots! You can catch me on aim at hiddenlily or in an email at