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Oct. 21st, 2012


Hey hey.

I know that I've been scarce this month. I've been studying for my X-ray certification. This week is the last push because the test is this Friday. I didn't think that I would need a hiatus. I'll try to tag people, I know I owe some of you. Please be patient with me.


Aug. 18th, 2012


Journal change, new pups, and one small mod note

So, my Sam is Robo!Sam, but I've been playing him out of not!Robo!Sam's journal. So I've added this journal to the game to continue playing Robo!Sam from an approved Robo!Sam journal. :P

I have also added a couple more kids to the game. Adam Young from Good Omens, Crowley from GO and Supernatural all in one. Because they are a lot alike, and I personally believe they are one and the same. Also 12 year old Ben Braeden, from Supernatural.

My complete roster can be seen here.

Mod comment
We are locking the OOC comm so all future posts will be locked by default. This should have been done from the beginning, but is in place now.


There seems to be a little confusion about the recent move to Emory, so this post is to try and clear those things up!

• The hotel burned, and people were magically moved to Emory University Hospital.
[Edited to add]: The hospital is in Decatur, Georgia. This is not the midtown location. There are many Emory locations in Atlanta. We're located at Clifton Road.
• Although the rooms chart is not yet updated, the rooms are much the same as the hotel rooms. They have hotel beds, not hospital beds. There will be single rooms, double rooms with two beds, and rooms with one bigger bed. I'm thinking maybe even a couple of suites with a king and a twin bed, for those who have children.
• Everything your character had in his or her room in the hotel is now in their new room. There was one exception because it made sense. Because Eames and Arthur now have a supply run office, the maps and any relevant notes Eames may have had are now in his office, which he has not located yet. If any other character is missing anything, then it's just gone because everything moved to the character's new room.
• The hospital is zombie free, at the moment. People need to work together to board up the ground floor, because the walkers are going to be coming soon!
• Anything else? Ask!

Aug. 17th, 2012


I know I'm involved in several of the leadership groups. If anyone in medical, police, or magic wants to coordinate stuff ooc, contact me at OrigamiFanatic on AIM or

Aug. 16th, 2012


Alright, ladies and gents, I'm working on my shipping list for my peeps.

If we have a ship, please reply below with who we have.

Now it doesn't have to be about the ship, I do have ladies who have "fun" and I have a man who likes orgies with the ladies, need woman to sign up for that as well.



Mod Post, Please Read

Okay, kids. The mods have discussed the noms and what not, and we have made our decisions. While the decisions are mod generated, we approached it with in game knowledge.

The list will be documented below, but first:

• If your character has been placed in an upper level position, you are required to post in the nexus comm sometime before next Saturday (August 25, 2012) inviting others to join your team. In some cases, we will have multiple team/organisation leaders, and in that case only one person will be required to make that post, and that person will be noted below with an asterix by his or her name. Any character who does not make a post before August 25 will lose the position.
• These posts will be linked to a master list, in the mod journal which will be linked in our acceptance note for easy access.
• Co team leaders MUST work together. This may mean that OOC communication is necessary.
• The following decisions are final, at this time. Positions can change over time, based upon in game events and what not, but for now the positions documented below are solid (pending the required posts).
• Communication is key. The point of this is to make sure we're all on the same page, so that we as players and our characters know who to talk to about what aspect of life and survival.

The following list appears on everyone's communication devices upon waking in the hospital so that everyone has access to the information.

Official Leadership Positions )

[Sorry for spamming the OOC today, but this is the last mod post...for now!]


Alex Campbell got the power on the other day. But the hotel wiring was too unstable to maintain the energy, so...there is a fire in the basement. The basement will be destroyed. Smoke damage will touch the rest of the hotel, and the smoke is going to knock EVERYONE out, whether they are susceptible or not. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Everyone will be knocked out, if it takes magic to do it, it's done. We can play out reactions to the fire tonight. Tomorrow morning, everyone wakes up in a brand spanking new location.

We have outgrown the hotel. Our new location is Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. Hospital rooms on the upper floors will be converted to personal rooms, with all personal effects transferred from the hotel.

The transition to the hospital will be relatively smooth. There could be some stress and turmoil based upon the fire and the knocking out and the waking up in a different place. The mods will work out logistics, but if you have any questions or concerns, bring them forth and we will do the best we can to answer as soon as possible.

• Fire tonight, in the basement, starting close to 8pm Eastern Time (Atlanta time)
• Everyone is 'asleep' at midnight. NO EXCEPTIONS. For the purposes of this plot, everyone should be physically in the hotel at this time.
• 8am Friday morning, people start waking up in a room in the hospital.
• It will be up to characters to secure the building things such as boarding up the windows on the lower floors.
• Our new technology/energy people will work to get the hospital's generators up and running. When they do, the hospital will have fully functional electricity (with occasional outages, surges, down time, whatever). Water will be running too.

The mod journal will be updated this weekend to reflect the changes, from hotel to hospital. Please be patient with us, we all have jobs and what not and will get everything updated as soon as possible!


Mod Post, Please Read

Totally forgot to cut off nominations yesterday, but no one snuck in under the wire, so it's all good. Nominations for leadership positions are now closed.

The mods will look over the noms, consider in game factors, and determine the best way to proceed.

I don't know what the time frame will be, if we can come to a conclusion tonight, or not. Hopefully we'll have it all sorted by the weekend.

Please be patient with us. As mods of such a wild and crazy game, we need to consider all the options and information in order to make the best and most informed decision we can. We can't rush this, and we don't want to!

A nomination doesn't mean someone is guaranteed a position. In game factors will help us determine the best course of action. Our goal is to move forward, and do what's best for the game.

Wish us luck! And thank you all for being so understanding during this turmultuous time (in game)!

Aug. 14th, 2012


Mod Post, Please Read

So, Alex Campbell posted last night that the power was on. This is temporary, so don't get used to it! The power will be off again this evening. Sorry for not giving prior warning! The primary purpose was to show that restoring power is possible, but it will take a lot of cooperation from characters inclined to work on it to make it happen. Perhaps we can establish a committee to work on power restoration, when we sort out the elections and what not?

Speaking of, nominations close tomorrow, so if you've got any last minute noms, you need to get them in tonight or tomorrow. No noms will be accepted once the post is cut off (with an announcement so we're all on the same page!) Nom post is here.

Please, please, please remember that communication is the best way to get things done. I'm as guilty as anyone, and it's a good reminder to us all. If you haven't already, consider joining our blast room, it's funtimes in there, most of the time!

Aug. 13th, 2012


This is Sean again bringing in another guy to the game, his code name is Wild Child aka Kyle Gibney and he's a mutant from the x-men books.


Hello everyone! Tabitha once again with two more lovely charries for you. The first one I brought was Lucy Pevensie from Chronicles of Narnia. She is coming from the end of the first movie. Secondly is Mina Harker from the League of Extraordinary Gentleman. I'm up for plot anytime; the AIM is rizzleswahl or you can pm one of my journals.


Mel here and I have absolutely no will power at all, so here be Tom McNair, from Being Human. He's 21, Welsh and a werewolf who fights evil vampires in his spare time.


So much enabling...

To complete the original trio... (not counting the Pilot, of course <3!), here's Annie Sawyer from the BBC's (original and best) Being Human. She's lovely, rather insecure, but a total bitch when people she cares about are threatened. Oh, and she just happens to be a ghost, with poltergeist abilities. She can't always be seen by humans, but supernaturals can always see her.

For those who know the series, she's coming from near the end of series 2, just as Kemp is forcing her through the Door. Instead of Purgatory, she's going to turn up in Atlanta.

Sadly, she doesn't know Tom yet, although that's just a matter of time, and she's not involved with Mitchell in any way except as a good friend.

As always, I'm open for plots with her, and also with my four boys: David [info]my_turn, Dustfinger [info]read_me_back, Simon [info]weird_kid and XIII [info]triskaideka


Alison xxx


Yes, so... This is George. I helped enable Misha to bring in a Mitchell, so... I thought it was my civic duty to bring in George. Because really, what is a Mitchell without a George? It's a Sad Mitchell that's what it is. You almost HAVE to have a George with a Mitchell, and the other way around.

*Ahem* I'm rambling. Maybe George wasn't a good idea after all. Oh well, he's here. SO... He'll be around to ramble on about how unsanitary it is to be in a world full of zombies here in a bit.

Oh and he's George Sands, Werewolf. From the BBCs version (LIKE THE BEST VERSION) of Being Human. And I'm Amy :D. <3

Aug. 12th, 2012


So, because everyone is an enabler, I somehow picked up two more boys.

This is Michael Emerson. He's about 17, he's got a bratty little brother who's obsessed with MTV, comics and fashion, his parents have just split up, he's had to move in with his crazy-ass grandpa who grows weed in the kitchen (SCORE) and also, the guys he hangs around with have just told him that they're vampires and he's well on his way to joining them since that really wasn't wine he drank that night in the cave. HURRAH.

And I maybe also picked up Ed Pevensie ([info]thewesternwood) because Lu can't be here on her own! He's from almost the end of Prince Caspian, so he's showing up in his armour with his sword and crossbow.

plots, plz? Eames, Ed and Mike are lovely and don't bite. much. Unless they're Mike, in which case, I dunno... uhm. *shrugs*

Aug. 11th, 2012



Edit: October 20, 2012: Currently on hiatus.

So. I finally got my boys into a table, and I've documented who I've chatted with as far as potential get togethers. I'm perfectly happy to play my boys without a ship in mind and if something comes along great. If not that's cool too, but I'm also happy to plot things out and go with it.

Under the cut, I've listed my boys by fandom. Take a look. If you want to plot, hit me up! I'm here to play!

The List )


Misha AGAIN, with another new one. Dominic Cobb has already been in game. He got eaten by zombies just a couple weeks ago. And now he's coming back.

I think he's the first one to come back from zombification, so that should be interesting! Fury and Natasha will be coming back via plot, but Dom died and there will be no explanation for his return.

He won't remember being here before. So, yeah. He's coming in with a clean slate, more or less. He has history with Arthur, Eames, and Ariadne and his son James. Should be interesting!

Aug. 10th, 2012


So, I am weak and easily enabled. If you were in the caht a little while ago, you saw how easily enabled I am.

This is Mitchell. Mitch is a vampire. He's from Being Human. Sorry if you're a fan of the US version, Mitch is from the UK version. The only one that matters, as far as I'm concerned.

Because I have only seen the first to seasons, Mitch is from S2. If I ever get my hands on the later seasons, he may be subject to some kind of canon updating.

I'm not even going to list my boys, because my list keep growing. But they are all available for plot and play!

Aug. 11th, 2012


So I'm bringing in this diamond. It's only BANE!

Be afraid. But PLOT! DO PLOT!


Aug. 10th, 2012


This is Sean again bringing in another person in to the game, Say hello to Loki and he's coming in from The Avengers.

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