Jul. 19th, 2012



It's roll call time, kids! I don't really feel the need to do an activity check, but I do need to get a head count and make sure we're all still interested in the game.

The roll call will close next Friday night, July 27, 2012 and all characters who are not accounted for will be removed next weekend.

Reply to this post with the following information:
Put your name in the subject line. Do this now!!!
List each character on a separate line. Include Fandom | Character Name | Journal (Links to CDJs or whatever are okay)

Jul. 2nd, 2012


Roll Call! This is an activity check, but because the game is rolling right along, I'm not actually checking activity this time. But it is a new month, so I want to do a roll call and make sure everyone is still with us. Anyone who doesn't reply by Sunday, July 8 will be removed, unless on official hiatus.

A few notes )