Jun. 20th, 2012


Hey everyone,

I just realized, I've been posting and playing in this game, and I haven't even introduced myself, HOW RUDE! lol. So, yes, hello. I'm Brianna, I have two characters that I'm bringing to the table.

This journal is for Cherry Darling from Grindhouse: Planet Terror. She's pulled from canon, just as she's getting into the helicopter after El Wray's death. She's a bit of a handful. She's brash, blunt and holy hell, is she full of one liners. Her leg was ripped off by zombies early in the movie and was first replaced with a table leg but after that splintered and broke, Wray fitted her with a customized modified stockless-M16 carbine with an underslung M203 grenade launcher. It's epically awesome, and yes, it shoots. Don't ask how... it just does, mmkay? LOL.

My other character is Baby Doll ([info]now_fight) from the movie Sucker Punch. She's taken from canon right after her lobotomy and Blue is taken away in handcuffs. She's a bit confused as to why she is here. She's a quiet girl, but don't underestimate her - she can kick your ass from here to the moon if she wanted to. She's a skilled fighter with blades, hand to hand and guns. She's also an exceptional survivalist and I stress this because she is very good at determining if a situation is worth fighting for or running away from. She's done that her entire life. She currently has an open thread HERE!! so check it out!

I'm up for plotting. The easiest way to get in touch with me is via e-mail: maynotbepure@aol.com I have AIM, but I'm rarely on, if I am on, you'll find me at girly deadpool!

Happy gaming!
xoxo, Brianna.