Aug. 11th, 2012



Edit: October 20, 2012: Currently on hiatus.

So. I finally got my boys into a table, and I've documented who I've chatted with as far as potential get togethers. I'm perfectly happy to play my boys without a ship in mind and if something comes along great. If not that's cool too, but I'm also happy to plot things out and go with it.

Under the cut, I've listed my boys by fandom. Take a look. If you want to plot, hit me up! I'm here to play!

The List )

Aug. 10th, 2012


So, I am weak and easily enabled. If you were in the caht a little while ago, you saw how easily enabled I am.

This is Mitchell. Mitch is a vampire. He's from Being Human. Sorry if you're a fan of the US version, Mitch is from the UK version. The only one that matters, as far as I'm concerned.

Because I have only seen the first to seasons, Mitch is from S2. If I ever get my hands on the later seasons, he may be subject to some kind of canon updating.

I'm not even going to list my boys, because my list keep growing. But they are all available for plot and play!

Aug. 9th, 2012


Misha here.

I'm taking over Harry Dresden's daughter Maggie, Fi offered me her journal and so I'm picking up right where she left off.

I'm also bringing in this guy, Dr James Wilson from House MD. Because House needs his BFF. So, yes. Wilson. He's from somewhere vaguely in S3, I think. I stopped watching somewhere along the way, and he's coming in before that point.

I also recently brought in James Cobb, from Inception. He's a wee little laddie in the film, something like 3 years. He's 17 now, and faced by Hayden Christiansen.


Jun. 19th, 2012


Misha here, with another add to my roster.

I had a hard time reading The Road, but I managed to get through it. And then the movie came out. And I played these two for a while. Until, you know, probably until Sam Winchester invaded my headspace and silenced just about everyone else.

This journal came up for delete-and-purge. I couldn't let that happen. And this seems like the kind of game where they might flourish, so here they are.

The Man and The Boy have no proper names in either the book or the movie. Because that's just not practical for a game setting, I have named them. The man is called Luke, the boy is called Gabriel.

The Man was born and raised in a world not unlike our own. By the time The Boy was born, the world had gone to shit. He grew up without proper food or medicine or schooling or...anything. But also, there were no zombies. Only looters, bad men who would rape, kidnap, and kill. He'll fit right in!

Wheee. They join Daniel, Daryl, Gale, Logan, Michael, am, and Thomas in my headspace. Poke for plot!

Jun. 16th, 2012


Greetings, one and all! Misha here, and revamping/recreating this game is my brain child. I've had the itch to do it for a while, but as many of you know, April and May slipped away from me. So, here we are.

I'm really insanely excited about this game. I have a lot of ideas, some have come together, some are still in planning stages. bear with me, because this is going to be a work in progress. One of my ideas is to have regular mod driven plots and events, such as zombie attacks and other things. I'm working on what some of those other things will be, but it's going to be fun (for us the writers, maybe not so fun for the victims. I mean characters!)

Anyway. I'm not here to talk mod business. I wanted to say hello, welcome you all to the game, and intro my boys. I've got 6 to start, we'll see how long that lasts. I'm actually trying to stick with lower numbers, so I can give them all love and attention...

On to the boys )

I can be found on AIM, under the name CeruleanInzanity. It's locked, due to spam bots, but I'm more than happy to add people! I reckon we'll get a blast soon, too. *bats eyes at Fi*

Alternately, you can reach me via email, at Comments work too, but I wouldn't rely on PMs as I rarely think to check there.

Okay. It's nearly midnight and I have to get up early, so I'm going to call it a night. Happy gaming!

ONE MORE THING: I'm locking the comms, so your requests to join will have to be approved. Apps are still not required, but now that we're open I don't want to leave the communities wide open.