Aug. 13th, 2012


So much enabling...

To complete the original trio... (not counting the Pilot, of course <3!), here's Annie Sawyer from the BBC's (original and best) Being Human. She's lovely, rather insecure, but a total bitch when people she cares about are threatened. Oh, and she just happens to be a ghost, with poltergeist abilities. She can't always be seen by humans, but supernaturals can always see her.

For those who know the series, she's coming from near the end of series 2, just as Kemp is forcing her through the Door. Instead of Purgatory, she's going to turn up in Atlanta.

Sadly, she doesn't know Tom yet, although that's just a matter of time, and she's not involved with Mitchell in any way except as a good friend.

As always, I'm open for plots with her, and also with my four boys: David [info]my_turn, Dustfinger [info]read_me_back, Simon [info]weird_kid and XIII [info]triskaideka


Alison xxx

Aug. 6th, 2012


hello, darlings. Alison here.

Those of you who know me knew it was only a matter of time, but I've now brought the lovely and much misunderstood David into the game. For those who might not know, he's from The Lost Boys, just after the end of the film (I've used a little poetic license although if you read the comic books you'd know that him surviving the film is actually canon, hurrah!) and he's a vampire. He's one of those vampires who can't go out in sunlight, or he bursts into flame. On the other hand, though, he can fly so it's not all bad.

He loves his Triumph motorbike - possibly even more than flying - and woe betide anyone who so much as breathes on it. He's very much late '80s in his style since... well, that's where he's arrived from. When he Vamps out, his baby blue eyes turn yellow/gold and red, his brow and cheek ridges become more pronounced, and he gets fangs. But he never EVER sparkles. Like... EVER!

Oh, and he's not vegetarian and likes his food on tap, as it were. So he might need a bit of convincing not to eat the locals... and we're not talking zombies here. The boy has a discerning palate.

Any plannings, plottings and other stuff, let me know. black.narcissus[at]gmail[dot]com or snakebittenraven on AIM.

Jul. 7th, 2012


Because I'm an utter prat and posted this to the nexus last night instead of here... *facepalms*

Hellohello, all!

I'm currently in London, having forsaken my own much-adored haven of Liverpool, to attend the London Film & Comic Con and I won't be home until Sunday night.

My feet are already destroyed after just the preview night and I know that, like last year, I won't be able to walk for three days once it's over! But I love my annual celeb stalking event and so here we be.

I WILL be online, and I know I owe replies here and there - usual sodding problems with erratic internets - plus posts need for to be done :D. So yes. I'm not here, but I am here. AlexI'm a bit sniffly that Norman Reedus and Robert Duncan McNeill had to cancel at the last minute, but I've seen Ben Browder <3, Adam Baldwin, Alex Winter, Kevin Szorbo and Craig Power so far, and I have a 9.30 appointment with Gillian Anderson to start of a madbusy day.

*hugshugs* I PROMISE posts later... game, posts, I mean, not progress posts *lol*

I fail, ahahaha. Thank you for your patience. Normal service is now being resumed.