August 13th, 2012

[info]touched_a_boob in [info]walkingnotes

Yes, so... This is George. I helped enable Misha to bring in a Mitchell, so... I thought it was my civic duty to bring in George. Because really, what is a Mitchell without a George? It's a Sad Mitchell that's what it is. You almost HAVE to have a George with a Mitchell, and the other way around.

*Ahem* I'm rambling. Maybe George wasn't a good idea after all. Oh well, he's here. SO... He'll be around to ramble on about how unsanitary it is to be in a world full of zombies here in a bit.

Oh and he's George Sands, Werewolf. From the BBCs version (LIKE THE BEST VERSION) of Being Human. And I'm Amy :D. <3

[info]anna_clare in [info]walkingnotes

So much enabling...

To complete the original trio... (not counting the Pilot, of course <3!), here's Annie Sawyer from the BBC's (original and best) Being Human. She's lovely, rather insecure, but a total bitch when people she cares about are threatened. Oh, and she just happens to be a ghost, with poltergeist abilities. She can't always be seen by humans, but supernaturals can always see her.

For those who know the series, she's coming from near the end of series 2, just as Kemp is forcing her through the Door. Instead of Purgatory, she's going to turn up in Atlanta.

Sadly, she doesn't know Tom yet, although that's just a matter of time, and she's not involved with Mitchell in any way except as a good friend.

As always, I'm open for plots with her, and also with my four boys: David [info]my_turn, Dustfinger [info]read_me_back, Simon [info]weird_kid and XIII [info]triskaideka


Alison xxx

[info]hungryvixen in [info]walkingnotes

Hello everyone! Tabitha once again with two more lovely charries for you. The first one I brought was Lucy Pevensie from Chronicles of Narnia. She is coming from the end of the first movie. Secondly is Mina Harker from the League of Extraordinary Gentleman. I'm up for plot anytime; the AIM is rizzleswahl or you can pm one of my journals.

[info]hungry_likethe in [info]walkingnotes

Mel here and I have absolutely no will power at all, so here be Tom McNair, from Being Human. He's 21, Welsh and a werewolf who fights evil vampires in his spare time.

[info]wild_child_ in [info]walkingnotes

This is Sean again bringing in another guy to the game, his code name is Wild Child aka Kyle Gibney and he's a mutant from the x-men books.