August 12th, 2012

[info]eatingmaggots in [info]walkingnotes

So, because everyone is an enabler, I somehow picked up two more boys.

This is Michael Emerson. He's about 17, he's got a bratty little brother who's obsessed with MTV, comics and fashion, his parents have just split up, he's had to move in with his crazy-ass grandpa who grows weed in the kitchen (SCORE) and also, the guys he hangs around with have just told him that they're vampires and he's well on his way to joining them since that really wasn't wine he drank that night in the cave. HURRAH.

And I maybe also picked up Ed Pevensie ([info]thewesternwood) because Lu can't be here on her own! He's from almost the end of Prince Caspian, so he's showing up in his armour with his sword and crossbow.

plots, plz? Eames, Ed and Mike are lovely and don't bite. much. Unless they're Mike, in which case, I dunno... uhm. *shrugs*