Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Mar. 8th, 2008|06:13 pm]
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Guess what, everbody?? I broke m'leg!! I got me a big ol' cast! 's real cool! Y'all gotta sign it!!
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[Mar. 6th, 2008|03:38 pm]
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Bored now.

Why didn't I have to go to school today? I was up and everything.
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[Mar. 4th, 2008|05:29 pm]

Miss m'Mama.
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[Mar. 3rd, 2008|06:46 pm]
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Somethin' ain't right.

Jack! Th'hell's goin' on, Jack?
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[Mar. 2nd, 2008|10:50 pm]

I GOT PUPPY!!! And hers is a yeller lab an' she's mine!! Thank y'Ma! Thank y'Pa!
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[Mar. 2nd, 2008|09:29 pm]
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[Feb. 29th, 2008|03:13 pm]
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Guess m'Mama's gon' die.

She got the cancer.
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[Feb. 28th, 2008|12:56 pm]
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Hope y'get fat f'eatin' alla whipped cream, Ma.

'm bored. They canceled school 'cause there's no power.
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[Feb. 26th, 2008|07:27 pm]
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'm gon' have a pony soon! Honeysuckle's gon' have a colt!!
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[Feb. 25th, 2008|01:41 am]
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's late, an' I'm up.

Mark's over t'night, 'cept I was in bed when he came, so I couldn't say hi.

Mama havin' a boyfriend other 'an Daddy's weird, 'cause Daddy didn't never have t'come over, h'always lived with us.

Papaw, Daddy an Grampa Jack )
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[Feb. 23rd, 2008|04:09 pm]

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[Current Mood |sadface]

These aren’t tears of sadness because you’re leaving me
I’ve just been cutting onions
I’m making a lasagna

for one
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|11:30 pm]
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Mr. Mark )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|05:17 pm]
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We's all moved away from Papaw's. Reckon the city's ok. I got m'own room now, that's cool. 's all cowboy stuff. Mama worked real hard onnit, sh'said.

Oh!!! An' sh'got me a gamin' system! An' all these cool games. Ma's th'best.
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[Feb. 17th, 2008|07:47 pm]
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Daddy )
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[Feb. 14th, 2008|03:05 pm]
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To Everyone The Girls Have Ever Spoke To )

For Drew! )
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[Feb. 14th, 2008|03:16 pm]
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Sent to the girls. )
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[Feb. 12th, 2008|07:52 pm]
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Sumthin' ain't quite right here, now.
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[Feb. 12th, 2008|05:55 pm]
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I'm b'ginning t'think I don't like girls much.

Least not th'ones at school.
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[Feb. 11th, 2008|11:06 pm]
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Mah Papaw got real mad at mah Mama t'day. Was real scary.

Howdy, m'names Drew Del Mar Twist, an' I'ma real genuine cowboy, jus' like mah Papaw.
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[Feb. 11th, 2008|08:53 pm]
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M'little girl is here. Junior. She's here. With...her son. M'grandson. Calls me 'papaw'.

Ain't no mistake.

He's Jack's grandson too. Junior an' Bobby. I ain't never thought that. They ain't never ev'n met, last I knew.

Ain't possible, her bein' fr'm th' future an' all. Ain't possible.

Jack ain't dead. He's right 'ere an' we's owning this here ranch, th'two a'us. He ain't dead in th'grave. He ain't.
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