Posts Tagged: 'thaddeus+ross'

May. 5th, 2019



[Tony Stark, Jim Rhodes (Official Avengers)]
There's been some distress calls.

Apr. 2nd, 2019



General Ross
Stephen Strange has agreed to sign the accords with the stipulation that his home, the Sanctum Sanctorum is off limits.

Tony Stark & Daisy Johnson
Stephen Strange has agreed to work with both SHIELD and the Avengers as needed as a sort of consultant on the mystic arts.

Mar. 27th, 2019


If anyone needs me I'll be running some laps and watching my left.

Mar. 11th, 2019



I know that the events of the past few weeks have shaken the world to the core. That people are frightened, and that no one really understands this damn Quantum Tunnel business that the Pyms are trying to sell us.

Pym Tech has been given a conditional and extremely limited license to stay in business by the UN. Given their associations with [REDACTED] and their assistance with Captain America's detailed plan to escape justice, they are allowed to keep the Quantum Tunnel operational and bring individuals who were lost via the Thanos Incident only if the company agrees to comply with the Sokovia Accords.

That means that everyone who has powers, has some affiliation with private security organisations such as SHIELD or the Avengers must sign the Accords, and submit to immediate testing, or they will be taken into UN custody.

This is the only warning anyone is going to recieve.


Feb. 28th, 2019



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