Posts Tagged: 'bucky+barnes'

Apr. 28th, 2019



[Filtered to Steve Rogers]
You keeping yourself out of trouble?

[Filtered to T'Challa]
I'm guessing it'll suit you fine if I'm not back for the big gala, right? Otherwise I'm going to have to get a jacket without any blood on it.

Apr. 19th, 2019



[Messages to Bernie Rosenthal*]
-- Shuri tells me you're looking for me. Gave me this number.
-- She says you're a lawyer or something?

* Sent via Signal app from unidentified +270 number

Mar. 29th, 2019



[Jasper Sitwell, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton]

(Click to enlarge)

It looks like someone was sifting through the garbage heap before we got there. I'm not sure what this Reddit user knows, but if it's at all connected with Project Venom, I'd sure like to. I figure tracing him and tracking him down might be a good first step. Is that a string you think you can pull on, J?

[Bucky Barnes]
Doesn't sound all that farfetched or insane to me. People are always so shocked when they realise the kinds of things that go on where they can't see.

Mar. 27th, 2019


If anyone needs me I'll be running some laps and watching my left.

Mar. 18th, 2019



I think I finally managed to dig up something. It's heavily redacted, and it looks like most of the files about this project have been either heavily encrypted or destroyed, but it looks like Richard Parker was the lead scientist on a SHIELD Science and Technology program called PROJECT VENOM. I don't know much about what it was supposed to be, but there does seem to be some kind of suit or exoskeleton component.

And Bucky -- I'm offering you a chance to back out of this right now. No questions asked. No judgement. You'll understand why when you look at the documents.

Mar. 14th, 2019



I’ll be relocating to Wakanda’s consulate in Manhattan tonight.
[Bucky Barnes]
You want to hitch a ride? Natasha and Barton will meet us there.

Mar. 12th, 2019



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non mi vel neque pulvinar cursus. In consectetur porta tellus vitae consequat. Sed id ligula ultrices, vulputate tortor porttitor, suscipit elit. Suspendisse varius consectetur erat non elementum. Nullam sagittis neque eget pretium faucibus. Fusce bibendum, leo ut volutpat faucibus, lacus odio pellentesque dolor, et egestas tortor libero ut est. Suspendisse vitae ultrices massa, a ultrices eros. Ut sagittis pretium tincidunt. Maecenas quis velit ornare, malesuada urna non, pretium felis. Fusce et quam pulvinar, consectetur magna vitae, luctus dui. )

белый Волк — Это было давно.
На русском это всегда зима.
Вы скучаете по холоду?
Ты скучаешь по снегу?

В огоро́де бузина́, а в Ки́еве дя́дька.
T̷̤͚̣͙̖̱̪͚͔̼̲̜̣́͛ḣ̸̡̛̻̫̳̲͚̠̦̖̪͔͗̇̍̍̓̈́̈́̇e̴̩̰͚͎̙̘̍̄̾̌̈́̒͛̑̋̕͠ ̶̨̘͕̘͇͕͍̲͑̓̏͝ͅf̸͍̅̀̉̈͑̽̕͜u̸̪̱͍̮͐̊͗̋̍̒̓́͑͘͝l̴͖͍̼̎̓͋͗͌͗̾͝ľ̵͍̱̜ ̶̮̼̣̝̬͇͎̰̜̹͐͊̃ḿ̶̢̰͈͚͈͎͉͆̓̏͐̏́̄̓́͛ọ̶̈́̒̆̎͌̔̓̐̀́͑͑̕ơ̵̡̡̡͚̬̟̳̲̇̆̉͂͌̎̒̏͑͋̂̽̊n̵̡̛̛̦̫͐̋̋́̍̓͝͠ ̸̜̍̿̄̄̈́͑̑͠͝l̸̨̧̙̥͈͎̜̞͗̐̓̾̇̎̆ǐ̶̗̫̜̩̪̣̖͈͕̣̠͂̈́̂̍̑͐̑͘͘̕͝͝g̴̛̛͍̟̾̈͐̐͌̂͝h̵̨̡̬͈͙̳̳̲͓̫͈̗̟̰̾̃̉̿̎͂̈t̶̡̻͉͚͙͝s̵͖̖͈̯̤̫̻̜͇̜̫̓͐ ̵̠͎̘̟̣̈́͌͊͑ẗ̵̻̣́h̸̫̱̞̫̱͋̒̌̐͐̄̔̊̂ę̴̨̢̧͚̰̟̝̫͓̞̼̻̾̂̀͗͐͋͋̔̌̕ ̸̡̖̝̞̭͇̽̊̿̀̀̀͂̏͠ẉ̶̞̣̰̰̒̾̔̅́̐̆̌͜a̶̧̡̠͇͔̖̬̱̋͌͝ͅy̵͉̹̝͉̳̙̿̊̚ ̷̢̢̧̪̠̤̞̻͔͚̣͈͓̓̐͜t̵̘͇̜̪͙͍͈̩̟̽ŏ̵̘̜̲͓̻͖̘̺̅̀̏̀͌͂̎w̷̡̟̮̝͇̖̹̗͎̰̜̜͇̯͑̿̄̋̒͆̈́͋͆a̵̡̡̖̣̳͔̹̙̥͓͍̍̽̎̍͐̋̋̽̍́̚̚ŗ̵̢̗͉̳̝̮̟̯̄̋̉͛̃d̴̞́̓̄ ̵̨̛͇̠̝͓̻͎̣̲̹̫͓̮h̶̝̙̯̥̰̤̙̓͌̉͐̍̌̈̃ͅǒ̶̡̡͚͓͉̗͙̱̜̘̜̠̙̮̉̇̆̽͗͒͘̚͠m̵̨̡̛̛͔͎̼͉̬̼̮̹̍̄͑͐̈́̌̽̋̽͌͘̚ȩ̶̛͓͔͔̦̫̫̖̻̮̜̟͈̌͗͂̃̾͒́̔́͌͗͠

***Note: the text is readable by everyone; but the link behind the image is encrypted and only accessible by the intended person***

Mar. 11th, 2019



[Avengers, Affiliates + SHIELD (minus Tony Stark)]
Tony Stark is alive.

Although at this time I don't have all the details, it appears that Iron Man attacked one of the Titan Ships which arrived here a month ago to collect the Infinity Stones that were left on earth. The ship has been damaged, it's barely pilotable, but Stark was able to broadcast a signal to earth. Wakanda retrieved that signal, pinpointed his location and responded.

Although we have made continuous contact and know where he is, there is currently no technology on earth that would allow us to get to him. That must be our number one priority right now. The information on that ship is valuable and may lead to some clue concerning what happened to Thanos, what he may be planning, and why the Quantum Machine is behaving the way it is.

And Tony's life very much depends on it. He has no food, no water and no time.

We need to work and we need to work now.

Feb. 28th, 2019



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