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Posts Tagged: 'darcy+lewis'

Apr. 23rd, 2019



Any individuals who have passed through the "Quantum Realm" and are still in New York are invited to attend the Wakandan Banquet as our guests. Stark Industries will purchase your ticket for you, simply let us know.

As for everyone else, if you are interested in attending the Banquet, please inquire with us. We'll be hosting a free lottery, and purchasing VIP tickets for fifty winners and their guests.

Apr. 22nd, 2019



I have consumed the foodstuff named after your Terran hero. It was not bad.

Apr. 16th, 2019




I'm terribly disorientated at the moment. And overwhelmed.

It it really the year 2019?

Apr. 11th, 2019



I get that a lot of people are worried about what happened, about why people are all gone and whether or not this machine that Stark Industries and Pepper Potts keep talking about will actually bring people back. All of that's important, and all of that's valid.

But people are still dying. The disappearances destabilised governments, farming communities, relief efforts. They took providers our of homes. Goods aren't being transported - we're in a crisis, you know? And it's something we can all do something about.

I know we're grieving, I know we're scared, but we can't just sit back, worry and watch the world keep burning. We have to help who we can.

Apr. 3rd, 2019



The Quantum Realm is beautiful. I really had no idea before I saw it.

Apr. 2nd, 2019




Mar. 30th, 2019



What a quaint realm.

Mar. 25th, 2019


Hi everyone!

So for ease, those of you who were snapped and came back through Pym's machine I'm dubbing you Quantam Individuals or QI's for short.

Now we've got that out of the way, how are you all settling in? Do you need anything?

Tony Stark
You better have a good explanation for taking the suit out. Pepper's going to kill you.

Hey big man.

Mar. 24th, 2019



With the return of loved ones and friends from the Quantum Realm, it is easy to be distracted by everything we have to be thankful for. But we must remember that 3,750,000,000 are still missing, and even if ten people come through the Quantum Realm a day, it would take almost three thousand years for everyone to come back. This, alone, cannot be our solution.

We must do more.

And we must do more to help those around us who are lost or in need, in our own communities and in others. People are stranded without resources or food outside the major cities. Money and the right to property have little meaning in the face of desperation. While we are blessed in our cities -- we must remember that our luck has not been distributed equally.



Did anyone else see This on the news?

Mar. 18th, 2019



What do most people do for fun here?

Is it just eating different preparations of bagels and avocados? Because it does seem like it's mostly just eating different preparations of bagels and avocados. But I suppose it's just a Monday.

If anyone wants the rest of this rainbow sprinkle donut bagel - you're wrong, and you don't. But it's an understandable mistake. I made it myself once when I was young and foolish. That was nearly twenty minutes ago now.



EMAIL: Daisy Johnson



OOC: Imagine that Avengers-relevant villains are included on the list. I didn't feel like typing it all out again.

ooc: let's pretend I was actually on ball with posting this

Hey Pep! I've been talking to a Daisy Johnson of SHIELD (aka Quake) and she wants access to the Avengers database for their mission reports to put together a threat assessment.

Mar. 15th, 2019



Has anyone seen a grey backpack around Hell’s Kitchen that is like, maybe stuck to the underside of a fire escape?



Jessica Drew: Netpost


Mar. 13th, 2019



Bill suggested I try making friends, but I don't think any of us have much in common.

Want I should kill him for you? We have enough problems.

[Tiny Talkative Spider Boy]
You don't seem the type good at keeping secrets.

Mar. 12th, 2019



Just so we’re clear.

Instead of letting me become the Supreme Ruler of Earth, which would have spared you from the wrath of Thanos, as per my arrangement with him — you chose this: destruction not only at the hands of an unstoppable Titan, but also through strange legislation that cripples the best and brightest among you - forcing them into lives they never asked for. Because make no mistake - the Sokovia Accords are nothing but a thick veneer of nobility concealing indentured servitude.

The blood of the Asgardian genocide is on your hands.

Mar. 11th, 2019



[Avengers, Affiliates + SHIELD (minus Tony Stark)]
Tony Stark is alive.

Although at this time I don't have all the details, it appears that Iron Man attacked one of the Titan Ships which arrived here a month ago to collect the Infinity Stones that were left on earth. The ship has been damaged, it's barely pilotable, but Stark was able to broadcast a signal to earth. Wakanda retrieved that signal, pinpointed his location and responded.

Although we have made continuous contact and know where he is, there is currently no technology on earth that would allow us to get to him. That must be our number one priority right now. The information on that ship is valuable and may lead to some clue concerning what happened to Thanos, what he may be planning, and why the Quantum Machine is behaving the way it is.

And Tony's life very much depends on it. He has no food, no water and no time.

We need to work and we need to work now.

Mar. 9th, 2019


Hi! I'm Darcy. You've already met my boss Pepper Potts. She's brilliant. Anyway, I'm her PA and your main point of contact if you need anything.

First things first. Yes I tasered Thor. Twice. He deserved it for scaring us like that! No I've never been to Asgard. It would be fun but that's not going to happen any time soon.

So now that we've got that out of the way, if you need anything send me a message and I'll do my best to get it sorted ASAP. You can send it to me on here, text me at number or leave me a message here.

Feb. 28th, 2019



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