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Posts Tagged: 'daisy+johnson'

Apr. 2nd, 2019


open to spies

[--dark web post. uses a pair of encryption protocols: one SHIELD, one Chinese MSS. both known in the intelligence community as outdated, no longer in use. a fairly common practice for back channel communiques--]

A great river flooded many villages.
Those who remain are confused and angry.
Who destroyed the dam? What happened to the guards?
A Pilgrim follows the river West.
He has three quests: to find answers; to seek justice; to prevent any future floods.
The Pilgrim seeks no quarrel, but will not be deterred. Where might he find others to help him on his quest?



General Ross
Stephen Strange has agreed to sign the accords with the stipulation that his home, the Sanctum Sanctorum is off limits.

Tony Stark & Daisy Johnson
Stephen Strange has agreed to work with both SHIELD and the Avengers as needed as a sort of consultant on the mystic arts.

Mar. 30th, 2019



Jasper Sitwell

Daisy Johnson
I've thought further on our conversation and I shall take you up on it.

Mar. 26th, 2019




- Hey.

Mar. 25th, 2019



For those that don't know me, I'm Sharon Carter. I'm formerly of SHIELD but I'm happy to help however people need it.

Daisy Johnson
Rumour has it you're head of SHIELD these days.

Mar. 12th, 2019



one. agent carter


The future isn't somewhere I anticipated ending up.

Mar. 11th, 2019



[Avengers, Affiliates + SHIELD (minus Tony Stark)]
Tony Stark is alive.

Although at this time I don't have all the details, it appears that Iron Man attacked one of the Titan Ships which arrived here a month ago to collect the Infinity Stones that were left on earth. The ship has been damaged, it's barely pilotable, but Stark was able to broadcast a signal to earth. Wakanda retrieved that signal, pinpointed his location and responded.

Although we have made continuous contact and know where he is, there is currently no technology on earth that would allow us to get to him. That must be our number one priority right now. The information on that ship is valuable and may lead to some clue concerning what happened to Thanos, what he may be planning, and why the Quantum Machine is behaving the way it is.

And Tony's life very much depends on it. He has no food, no water and no time.

We need to work and we need to work now.



Well, I suppose this is better than being dead.

Who else is here?

Mar. 10th, 2019



There is no rhythm or reason, as far as we can tell, with who is coming out of the Quantum Machine. That is why we worked with Stark Industries to set up this worldwide network.

But that said, is there anyone we should keep an eye out for? If we have some idea, we could make an announcement or get in contact with you if the person you are looking for comes through.

We're really looking for just positive connections. Obviously, there are threats we need to be aware of but that's a separate matter.

Mar. 9th, 2019


Hi! I'm Darcy. You've already met my boss Pepper Potts. She's brilliant. Anyway, I'm her PA and your main point of contact if you need anything.

First things first. Yes I tasered Thor. Twice. He deserved it for scaring us like that! No I've never been to Asgard. It would be fun but that's not going to happen any time soon.

So now that we've got that out of the way, if you need anything send me a message and I'll do my best to get it sorted ASAP. You can send it to me on here, text me at number or leave me a message here.

Mar. 8th, 2019



This channel may be compromised, and I get that.

But SHIELD is about to have one hell of a problem on its hands.

Feb. 28th, 2019



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