Posts Tagged: 'michelle+jones'

May. 1st, 2019



Nothing quite like New York City in the late spring.

Shame I have to spend so much of it inside.

Apr. 28th, 2019




Midtown School of Science and Technology has its annual bake sale coming up next Thursday!

At 6PM the cafeteria will be open to the public and there'll be a lot of cool stuff for sale. All the proceeds are going to the school's art department. Oh and if I were you I'd come right at six because my aunt's cannolis are the best thing ever and they're always the first to go!

Apr. 23rd, 2019




Friday, May 3rd
Charity Banquet at the Wakandan Consulate
Tickets Begin at $350
All proceeds to be donated to communities impacted by the disappearances

The losses to Wakanda during this difficult time were great. But we believe that now more than ever it is important for the world to come together as one community with one shared goal. We must all help each other, above all else.

[Thor Odinson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Shuri, Nick Fury, Shang-Chi, Hope Pym]
Captain Rogers has requested a meeting.

As I have already mentioned, the rate at which people are passing through from the quantum realm is inadequate. Dr. Pym has informed me that she and Dr. Strange are already discussing possibilities on that front -- But this week a new complication has arisen. Someone, and now several people, who once travelled through from the Quantum Realm have since disappeared.

While Shuri and Dr. Pym are working with Stark and Banner to adapt the Quantum Machine, other solutions must be discussed amongst all of us.